Posts in 2022
Assessing Healthcare Provider Knowledge of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a significant problem in which healthcare workers are in a unique position to intervene. This study sought to determine the self-reported knowledge levels of healthcare providers most likely to come in direct contact with victims of human trafficking. An anonymous survey assessing self-reported knowledge of human trafficking was developed through an iterative process and distributed nationally via email and medical online forums. Survey participants included a national sample of EMTs, fellows, medical assistants, medical students, nurses, nurse practitioners, nursing students, paramedics, physicians, physician assistants, physician assistant students, residents, and social workers. The primary outcomes were descriptive statistics and secondary outcomes were comparisons among demographic groups. Qualitative methodology via content analysis was implemented on an open-ended question. The 6,603 respondents represented all regions of the country. Less than half the respondents (42%) have received formal training in human trafficking, while an overwhelming majority (93%) believe they would benefit by such training. Overall, respondents thought their level of knowledge of trafficking was average to below average (mean=2.64 on a 5-point scale). There were significant differences in knowledge of trafficking by age group (p<.001), region (p<.001), and educational training level (p<.001). 949 respondents (14.4%) provided free-text comments that further described their opinions. Most respondents stated they have not received training but felt they would benefit from it. There were significant differences between demographic groups. Further innovation is needed to design a universally appropriate curriculum on human trafficking that is accessible to all healthcare providers as well as mandatory training programs for healthcare institutions.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss the self-reported knowledge levels of healthcare providers most likely to come in direct contact with victims of human trafficking

· Discuss future research projects that can stem from this project

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From the Voices of Domestic Sex Trafficking Survivors: Experiences of Complex Trauma and Posttraumatic Growth

Through the lens of complex trauma and posttraumatic growth, this workshop will share recent findings from a qualitative study of 15 domestic sex trafficking survivors that focused on the impact and experiences of domestic sex trafficking survivors (Padgett, 2017). Using ecological and trauma-informed lenses, this qualitative, retrospective study used participant-centered methods to explore identity, sexuality, relationships, and factors that facilitated/hindered community reintegration for 15 adult female survivors. Participants identified with all aspects of complex trauma, including dissociation, self-perception/identity, relations with others, and systems of meaning. Key themes included losing and regaining power, shame, and the dangers of re-exploitation and re-traumatization. Participants highlighted relationship development as the primary source of healing and growth, emphasizing the value of peer-based support and survivor leadership. The findings of this study affirm the need for ecological and relational perspectives in care of survivors, and approaches using a trauma-informed, victim-centered lens. Findings affirm the value of understanding the nuances of complex trauma as well as celebrating the capacity for posttraumatic growth. Finally, findings suggest comprehensive recommendations directly from the voices of survivors for community members and service providers. Through rich data from interviews and photovoice captioned images, workshop participants will hear and see direct evidence of the aspects of complex trauma as well as the capacity for posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi and Calhoun 2004, Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2006; Spinazzola et al, 2001; Choi et al., 2009). Finally, workshop participants will receive recommendations directly from the voices of survivors on what factors help or hinder community reintegration (Evans, 2022).

Presentation Objectives:

· Explain complex trauma and posttraumatic growth and how they are observed in victims of domestic sex trafficking

· Provide recommendations for post-trafficking community reintegration that come directly from survivors of sex trafficking

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Newtons Law: Secondary Traumatic Stress

Newtons Law states, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, and when it comes to working with victims, this law heavily impacts helping professionals. We are constantly in a high stress state, and we assume when the workday is done, we return to normal functioning, when in fact we suffer from addiction, depression, and changes to our daily functioning. Because we are exposed to trauma daily, we have a personal reaction that equally affects us. Yet, as helping professionals, we are often taught that it is normal and/or our fault, and that by talking about it, we are not able-bodied professionals. This session will help attendees gain understanding of compassion fatigue and related terms, strategies to cope with it, and a review of accessible resources. This session will also empower attendees to advocate for change and provide recommendations for internal protocol changes for individual agencies. If we do not start taking care of ourselves, the victims we work with are affected. Victims are triggered daily by burnt out and fatigued helping professionals, and often talk about the horrors of trying to access help. It is our duty to help ourselves first, and thus provide successful outcomes for the victims we serve.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss definitions of compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder

· Describe personal examples, relatable scenarios, and assess personal level of impact

· Explain coping strategies for personal and professional lives and how to create culture change at home and in the office

· Discuss how compassion fatigue is normal and provide tools for agency involvement

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European Model for Combating Human Trafficking Along Migration Routes: A Qualitative Research on Italy and Turkey

Human trafficking is a serious crime and one of the most severe human rights violations. Over the last 10 years, the conflict in Syria has caused massive loss of life and human suffering, as well as a complex displacement crisis. Thereby, human trafficking became a major problem in the EU and neighboring countries during the last decade (Forin & ICMPD, 2018; FRONTEX, 2019). The aim of this research was to compare and analyze protection policies for individuals and potential risk groups who have been victims of child trafficking and human trafficking through labor exploitation and sexual exploitation along the Mediterranean migration route in Italy and Turkey. The main research question is: “In light of human rights and sustainable development goals, how do Italy and Turkey protect children and adults from trafficking on the Mediterranean migration routes?” The research consists of a semi-structured interview and qualitative in-depth interviews. The sample of the research consisted of 15 experts from Italy and 31 experts from Turkey, with a total number of 46. In the research, the grounded theory basis was used, and the data were analyzed with the MAXQDA 2020 Pro Analytics program. As a result, 2942 codes, 17 sub-themes and 4 main themes emerged. The results are compared in the context of the two countries, according to the measures stipulated by the Council of Europe Convention, and solution proposals will be discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

· Describe this risky situation among migrants and refugees which are led to human trafficking along Mediterranean migration routes

· Discuss the European model for victim protection policies.

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Closing the Legal Loopholes in Human Trafficking

In December 2020, Canadian fashion mogul, Peter Nygard, was indicted in the U.S. on nine separate counts of sex trafficking, racketeering, and related crimes after dozens of women came forward accusing him of using his business to lure them for his own sexual gratification. He is also currently facing charges in Canada, and even though many of the alleged assaults occurred at his estate in the Bahamas, Nygard has yet to face charges there. It was almost a year after the first accusations were made that he was ultimately arrested. Title 18 of the U.S. Code explicitly provides extraterritorial jurisdiction (the legal authority of the U.S. to prosecute criminal conduct that took place outside its borders) over certain sex offenses involving the sexual exploitation of children, including sex trafficking. However, numerous basic sex offenses lack the same jurisdiction that allow traffickers and other sexual predators to escape criminal charges if prosecutors are unable to establish the demanding evidentiary basis for more multifaceted crimes like trafficking. Expanding these crimes extraterritorially would allow federal prosecutors to confer charges related to crimes of sexual abuse and assault, regardless of the victims’ age and where the crime occurred. Granting extraterritorial jurisdiction and including crimes against all victims of sexual abuse will be a crucial step in ensuring all predators are brought to justice.

Presentation Objectives:

· Describe the current federal law related to the prosecution of trafficking cases

· Explain the applicability of the law as it relates to the case against Peter Nygard and the loopholes that allowed his abuse to perpetuate for decades

· Discuss the possible reforms to the current law for certain sex offenses, providing an additional path to justice for survivors and ensure all perpetrators are held accountable

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Trauma Informed Yoga in Clinical Practice with Sex Trafficking Survivors

This interactive workshop will seek to provide an overview of how to use yoga as a clinical intervention for treatment of trauma experiences of sex trafficking survivors. Research around this issue will be reviewed, including yoga as a clinical intervention and elements of trauma informed care for survivors of sex trafficking (Goodman & Calderon, 2012; Elliot, et al. 2005; Emerson, 2015; Jindani & Khalsa, 2015; Van der Kolk, 2014). The presenter’s lived experience as a sex trafficking survivor and the use of trauma informed yoga as an approach to find her own path to healing will also be discussed. During this workshop, providers and survivors will have the opportunity to learn about how to use trauma-informed yoga as an intervention to treat complex trauma symptoms for themselves and clients. Participants will be able to see how trauma-informed intervention is practiced and step-by-step instructions for effective application of yoga as a clinical tool will be reviewed.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss research-based concepts around trauma symptoms and trauma-informed interventions

· Describe trauma-informed yoga as an intervention

· Describe survivor's lived experience and the use of trauma informed yoga as a clinical approach to healing

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The Pimp and His Game

This presentation details 20 social-psychological strategies pimps use to engage, entice, and maintain young women in the role of prostitute. It details how the pimp deters his victims from talking with police, why it is so hard for police to intervene, and what police can do to break the psychological control the pimp has over his victims. This research was conducted initially in 1973 with a review of Civil Rights literature including Malcolm X, Iceberg Slim Pimp: The Story of My Life, Manchild in the Promised Land, and Eldridge Cleaver’s Soul on Ice. To validate this research, the presenter interviewed classmates at California State University, Dominguez Hills who were pimps, members of the Prison Parole Program, and male Muslim activists who followed Elijah Muhammad, the Leader of the Nation of Islam. To further validate this research, she asked police to introduce her to working prostitutes. In 1973, this research was accepted by the Pacific Sociological Association in British Columbia. This presentation has been presented to over 11,000 prostituted children and can be triggering, often resulting in cries of “He did all of that. It was just a game.” This research has been taught to thousands of members of law enforcement in the U.S. and around the world and has been relied on by governments to prosecute pimp/traffickers. It has even been reviewed on more than one occasion by the United States Supreme Court.

Presentation Objectives:

· Train social service providers how to intervene in the relationship and psychological hold a pimp has on his victim

· Discuss when to intervene, how to intervene, and what to say and what not to say

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The Anatomy of a Human Trafficking Investigation

Human trafficking is often interconnected with crimes such as domestic violence, gang violence, theft, drug crimes, and violent crimes. Victims and offenders of human trafficking may be involved in various investigations, which frequently goes unnoticed because law enforcement agencies tend to work exclusively within their own silos. It is important for agencies to recognize the overlap in investigative units and prioritize collaborative efforts and sharing information inside their own agencies, as well as with outside agencies. This study analyzed the innerworkings of a human trafficking investigation from Multnomah County in Portland, Oregon. The investigation encompassed multiple cases in which nine defendants were indicted on various charges and all nine pled guilty. These cases demonstrate the fact that human trafficking intersects with all types of crimes and can be immersed within families. The investigation spanned from May 2015 to November 2019 and included several agencies within Oregon and across the country. This analysis narrowed in on three separate human trafficking cases that involved six victims, one of them a minor. Data was compiled through MCSO Human Trafficking Person Profile Reports and interviews were conducted with stakeholders from various agencies. The data was examined to identify effective investigative techniques and methods of communication used to successfully indict and prosecute traffickers. Five themes were yielded from the analysis:
1) investigative techniques, 2) communication/collaboration, 3) victim centered/trauma informed care approach, 4) investigative techniques – gold standard, and
5) phenomena unique to human trafficking. Regarding these observations, recommendations to improve future human trafficking investigations are offered.

Presentation Objectives:

· Provide an overview of the study, including the purpose, methodology, and findings

· Describe the implications based on the research and recommendations for law enforcement and additional stakeholders

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Empowering Children at Risk of Trafficking Through a Community-Based Behavior Change Approach

Existing evaluations of child trafficking prevention programs primarily focused on girls (e.g., Kruger et al., 2016; Murphy et al., 2016; Rothman et al., 2019). There is a need for evaluations of similar interventions for boys or both genders. This secondary data analysis assessed the impact of a 12-month-long community-based child trafficking prevention program in Bihar, India. Convenience sampling was utilized to recruit 352 girls and 325 boys in geographical areas identified as hotspots of child trafficking in

the state. Pre- and post-test surveys were used to collect data. Descriptive analyses, and independent sample t and chi-square tests were conducted to analyze changes for 8 key variables over time and across gender. The mean ages for both girls and boys in both the baseline and follow-up phases were just over 13 years old. The findings indicate that participation in the program resulted in significant differences in knowledge, self-efficacy, participation, and behavior among participants regarding child trafficking prevention. The finding about participants’ agency and confidence in reaching out for help in case of threats was one of the most positive aspects of the program. The results of this study are of value to community organizations involved or interested in creating or improving child trafficking prevention programs because this program equally focused on both girls and boys while also paying attention to the distinctive empowerment needs of each gender. The absence of transgender youth in the program will be discussed. The input of child survivors and those at risk of trafficking should be sought in the design and implementation of any child trafficking prevention initiatives.

Presentation Objectives:

· Describe the changes in participants’ knowledge, skills, and behaviors from pretest to posttest based on participation in the program

· Examine the significance of the changes in the program’s outcomes based on gender

· Highlight the distinctive contributions of the study to the literature on child trafficking prevention interventions

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“Beyond Gender”: An Exploration of the Backgrounds and Experiences of Trans and Third Gender Youth in the Southeast Asian Sex Trade

This presentation explores the backgrounds and experiences of trans and third gender youth involved in the sex trade in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Bangkok (Central Thailand), and Chiangmai (North Thailand). The datasets show three unique contexts where young people of diverse SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression) are involved in the sex trade and face a variety of challenges, including stigma and discrimination from parents, teachers, and law enforcement, as well as sexual violence from clients and members of the public (including law enforcement). Many trans and third gender respondents discuss this violence as a normative part of their lived experience. This represents a crucial gap in research and programming as few organizations are open to working with trans and third gender people outside of providing them sexual health related advocacy and programming. While most praxis-focused literature on trans and third gender people tends to focus on HIV and other STIs and often ignores their broader feelings and experiences as individuals. This presentation attempts to add nuance to these discussions and advocates for the development of better resources to educate professionals in the health, social welfare, police, and legal professions.

Presentation Objectives:

· Provide a thematic overview of the study, including findings and a discussion on critical gaps in social research

· Describe the implications and recommendations based on the study for service providers, researchers, advocates, and community allies

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Development of a Healthcare Collaborative to Address Sex Trafficking

Survivors of sex trafficking (ST) experience a high prevalence of physical and mental health problems and frequently access healthcare during their victimization (Lederer & Wetzel, 2014). Healthcare providers are uniquely positioned to assist victims. However, a survey of Wisconsin healthcare providers revealed less than half could accurately identify victims, and 90% did not feel confident in their ability to effectively care for victims/survivors (Beck et al., 2015). The Healthcare Collaborative Against Sex Trafficking (HCAST) is a community-academic project with a goal to transform mental models and processes within healthcare and community services that reinforce health disparities among people impacted by ST. The collaborative includes survivors, community service agencies, and representatives from major health systems, community health centers, and free/reduced cost clinics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. HCAST conducted focus groups of individuals impacted by ST, interviews with community service organizations, and strategic planning sessions of healthcare representatives to inform development of a program charter and strategic plan. Through this process, HCAST identified several root causes of health inequity for victims, including 1) lack of relationships between healthcare systems and community agencies, 2) the absence of training and treatment/referral guidelines which facilitates attitudes, beliefs, and practices contributing to healthcare disparities, and 3) power dynamics that prevent survivor input into healthcare policies. HCAST is addressing these barriers through the development and implementation of education, practice guidelines, and improved connections between healthcare systems, community agencies and survivors. This presentation will outline the process and lessons learned during HCAST charter development and implementation.

Presentation Objectives:

· Describe important aspects of a systems change model to address health inequity

· Describe the process and results of a community-based situational analysis that informed strategic priorities for healthcare improvements

· Discuss successes and lessons-learned through the development of a healthcare-community partnership to address sex trafficking

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Healing Is Worth It

In 2014, at Washtenaw Community College, Rita found out that she had a name for the horrific thing that happened in her childhood. People in her neighborhood assumed that she just liked to wander each evening. But they did not know the reason that she tried so hard to stay away from home. Silenced as a child, Rita found her voice speaking out, a way to deal with the frustration of being told that the sex trafficking was all her fault as a child. Education was Rita's way to understand and to heal. Rita got her Undergraduate Degree at Eastern Michigan University and then went on to get her Master’s in Social Work from Western Michigan University with a trauma focus. Rita continues to speak out to educate others on how to watch for human trafficking in their communities. In this session, Rita will share her story to help people who work with survivors know how to assist them. She also will share some of the organizations that were helpful to her on her journey. Finally, she will share how “Healing Is Worth It” to her so that she can be a better person for herself, her family, and others she may help along the way.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss how her survivor life experiences made her more resilient

· Describe how organizations have helped in the healing/thriving process

· Discuss how to live and enjoy life as the result of this experience

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War: A Playground for Traffickers

In February, the world witnessed what will be one of the worst-cases of armed conflict in Europe, producing a staggering 4,019,287 refugees as of 30th of March (UNHCR, 2022), with over 2.3 million refugees fleeing to Poland (Aljazeera, 2022). Women and children account for 90% of this figure. The speed and scale of the exodus has been described as “unprecedented” in Europe since World War II. However, this has only raised concerns and predictions on the exploitation of vulnerable and internally displaced people by human traffickers. While human trafficking is usually not the main focus in humanitarian crises like the Russian-Ukraine war and is sometimes omitted from formulations of emergency and humanitarian responses, there is no doubt that armed conflict creates a climate of impunity suited for human trafficking operations (U.S. Department of State, 2016). This presentation seeks to amplify this omission by answering the question: “What role does war play in the growth of human trafficking and how are victims of war protected from further exploitation? A desk-based methodology analyzing a broad selection of journal articles, cases and newspaper reports is used to explore the link between armed conflict and human trafficking, while considering the forms of trafficking during war, modus operandi of traffickers during war, the impact of armed conflict on victims of war (internally displaced and vulnerable persons alike), trends and forms of trafficking in armed conflict, prevention, protection, investigation and prosecution measures, and policies to protect victims and implementation challenges. The presentation concludes with recommendations for further research on both trafficker and victim identification during war, development of dynamic patterns for better investigation and prosecution of traffickers, as well as prioritization of human trafficking prevention and investigative measures within emergency and humanitarian responses during armed conflict.

Presentation Objectives:

· Provide insightful information on the interconnectedness of war and human trafficking

· Explore the 3 main trafficking trends connected to armed conflict

· Describe the impact of human trafficking on victims of war

· Provide recommendations to protect victims of war from further exploitation

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Familial Trafficking in America: A Study Summary

In 2021, the Institute for Shelter Care conducted a national study to examine the prevalence, characteristics, and challenges associated with cases of juvenile familial sex trafficking as experienced by justice professionals. Over 3,500 cases of child exploitation across 24 states were represented in the study. The findings are based on a mixed method descriptive research methodology. In this session, attendees will learn the results of this national study and the unique considerations of familial trafficking cases.

Presentation Objectives:

· Define familial trafficking and explain how it relates to, but is different from, domestic minor sex trafficking or incest

· Discuss the prevalence and profile of victims and perpetrators of familial trafficking

· Explain the complicated challenges associated with these cases

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The Demographic Characteristics of Federal Human Trafficking Defendants: Who Are the Offenders?

Recent high-profile human trafficking cases have steered media and researcher attention toward offenders (e.g., Dahlstrom, 2021; Kernsmith et al., 2021), prompting the question: What types of individuals are involved in trafficking crimes? By commodifying humans and their labor, human trafficking is distinct from other common crimes and from other types of trafficking, for example, drug trafficking, the most frequently prosecuted trafficking crime. These crimes may also differ in their underlying social networks and organizational structures (Busch-Armendariz et al., 2009; UNODC, 2020). Given these differences, this study analyzed whether significant demographic differences exist between offenders involved in drug and human trafficking, and within human trafficking, between labor and sex trafficking. Also, because statutes differentiate among the severity of sex trafficking crimes, the study assessed whether differences exist among sex trafficking defendants, depending on the severity of the crime. Using 21 years of federal criminal justice data and multivariate statistical tests, study findings indicate that human trafficking defendants differ in important respects from other offenders. When separating human trafficking into labor and low- and high-penalty sex trafficking, significant differences among defendants remain, which will be discussed in more detail in the presentation. Future research should differentiate human trafficking crimes by type and severity and examine whether findings from this exploratory study continue to hold. Researchers should consider partnering with legal professionals to explore additional reasons for the dominance of male offenders in high-penalty trafficking cases.

Presentation Objectives:

· Describe the differences that prior research has shown among human trafficking crimes

· Explain how these differences may be reflected in significant age, gender, race, and ethnic disparities among offenders

· Discuss the demographic characteristics of federal labor and sex trafficking defendants using data from a 21-year period between 1994-2014

· Describe how these data may be used to estimate statistical associations between defendant characteristics and the type of human trafficking offense

· Demonstrate the ways in which media portrayals of human trafficking offenders may and may not be reflected in the reality of offender characteristics over time

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Darknet Child Trafficking & Exploitation Communities and Chat Rooms

Online child exploitation and child trafficking due to technology has exploded around the United State and around the globe. These numbers have dramatically increased during COVID-19, and the effect of Internet Safety Presentations has a limited impact. The investigations developed strategies to proactively investigate these egregious predators that are members of these Darknet communities and chat rooms. These Darknet communities and chat groups talk about how to effectively exploit children while avoiding arrest. Investigations such as Ian Brewer, Jonathan Spraque, and George Castillo have yielded significant arrests and allowed investigators to find and protect victims. As a result, members were able to infiltrate the predator communities, gain understanding of their techniques, and implement strategies to investigate and help protect children. This presentation will focus on Darknet chat communities and the techniques that they use to exploit and groom children. There is a science and art of grooming and manipulation that predators use on children. Technology along with these strategies have victimized countless children impacting their lives. Predators are able to match children's language and style among other advanced grooming techniques. The presenter will discuss real cases and the methods that these Darknet members use and give case examples on the techniques and strategies that predators use. Attendees will learn about offender Darknet communities and methods and ways to investigate and prevent online child exploitation.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss Darknet and chat communities

· Discuss cases of child exploitation and trafficking

· Describe predator strategies, thought process, and how they groom children

· Explain remedies and ways to protect children

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Trauma in Men and Boys Who Have Been Trafficked

This is an introductory presentation of male victimization in human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Participants will learn the factors that contribute to the trafficking of males and will gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of male victims of sex trafficking. This presentation will cover the indicators of exploitation and what signs to watch out for, as well as the physical, emotional, and mental effects that complex trauma has on male victims (Deliver Fund, 2021; NCMEC, 2021; Palfy, 2016; Procopio, 2018). It will also cover the grooming techniques of perpetrators that try to recruit youth males into human trafficking (Palfy, 2021). Participants will learn what services are needed to provide support to male survivors of trafficking, based on fieldwork by Steven Procopio and new research based on interviews with male survivors by Ena Lucia Mariaca. This presentation will also cover recommendations for a multi-disciplinary response for frontline service providers such as law enforcement, healthcare providers and mental health professionals. The presentation will end with a call to action targeting policy and program recommendations to aid boys and men that have suffered from childhood sexual exploitation.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss the factors that contribute to the trafficking of males

· Describe the lived experiences of male victims of sex trafficking

· Discuss new research on male victimization

· Explain what services are needed to provide support to male survivors of trafficking

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Early Career Mental Health Professionals’ Preparedness to Counsel Survivors of Sex Trafficking

Early career mental health professionals are likely to encounter individuals who have survived sex trafficking in private practices and community agencies (Ide & Mather, 2019). Yet limited information and guidance is available for preparing them to work with survivors of sex trafficking (Koegler et al., 2020). Multiple factors influence the preparedness of practitioners to work effectively with client-specific populations. Convenience sampling was used to answer the research question: To what extent does stage of practice, professional exposure to sex trafficking, personal exposure to sex trafficking, counselor self-efficacy, client-specific counselor self-efficacy, and positive attitudes toward survivors of sex trafficking predict preparedness of early career mental health professionals to provide services to individuals who have survived sex trafficking? Participants consisted of 112 mental health professionals who were in-training, pre-licensed, and licensed for five years or less from diverse specialty areas across the country. Findings focus on: 1) the predictor variables that seem to influence preparedness, 2) fostering the development of client-specific counselor self-efficacy and positive attitudes toward survivors of sex trafficking, and 3) how lack of information may impact preparedness of early career mental health professionals to work with this population. Results indicate that our prediction model was significantly associated with preparedness; however, client-specific counselor self-efficacy and positive attitudes toward survivors of sex trafficking were the only two significant unique predictors of variance in preparedness. This presentation concludes with implications and recommendations from the study, limitations of the study, and direction for future research.

Presentation Objectives:

· Identify predictors of preparedness for early career mental health professionals to provide services to individuals who have survived sex trafficking

· Explain the significance of knowing predictors of preparedness for early career mental health professionals to work with client-specific populations

· Discuss how attendees can apply the findings from this study to their training as early career mental health professionals

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Incorporating Culture into Prevention Work with Indigenous Youth

This session will share information on using Indigenous culture and traditions to boost resilience in Indigenous populations. The presenter will discuss ways that providers can incorporate Indigenous knowledge and tools into prevention work with at-risk, exploited, and trafficked Indigenous population, based on research and recommendations the presenter co-created with the Human Trafficking Leadership Academy through the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) as well as experience from the field. The presentation will also include details on an indigenous prevention curriculum developed by the presenter in partnership with NHTTAC, survivors, and subject matter experts from across Minnesota, with examples of activities. This presentation will include key takeaways on ways to implement culture and tradition in daily case management, which participants can bring back to their work with Indigenous youth.

Presentation Objectives:

· Discuss the importance of culture as prevention of human trafficking and in enhancing resilience among Indigenous populations

· Provide concrete ways to implement Indigenous culture and tradition into human trafficking prevention work

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Trauma Responsiveness in Education Development: Letting Our Humanity Shine Through

Today’s reality includes high rates of burnout in helping professions, a mental health crisis intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, and rampant systemic injustices and inequalities. It is a critical time for those working to address human trafficking, through direct or indirect services, to consider how our individual and collective traumas might affect the way we work and what we create. In this session, presenters will outline how adopting trauma-informed care principles within your team and context can 1) support the wellbeing of your team members, who can then 2) create trauma-informed products, programs, or services, which can then 3) better serve those who interact with the products, programs, or services your team creates. Specifically, this team will share a method developed for those creating education or training called the TRUST-ED model: Trauma Responsiveness Underpins Sustainable Teams in Education Development. The TRUST-ED model can be applied by many types of service providers (direct and indirect) who are involved in work to address human trafficking. This model was developed by lead team members of a healthcare-focused curriculum about human trafficking during 2020, which was a year the team members grappled with a difficult combination of external and internal factors. They decided to treat themselves with the same trauma-informed principles they were researching for the healthcare curriculum. The result was a healthier, manageable pathway for each of the team members, and a profoundly improved set of new courses and educational solutions, evidenced by learner responses and SME evaluations.

Presentation Objectives:

· Explain how adopting trauma-informed care principles within your team and context can support the wellbeing of your team members

· Describe how team members can adopt certain processes and practices to create trauma-informed products, programs, or services

· Describe how products and services developed using trauma-informed principles better serve those who interact with the products, programs, or services

· Describe the TRUST-ED method for application by those creating education or training

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