Darknet Child Trafficking & Exploitation Communities and Chat Rooms

Lt. John Pizzuro | September 21 | 11:45 am-12:45 pm

Topic: Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Online child exploitation and child trafficking due to technology has exploded around the United State and around the globe. These numbers have dramatically increased during COVID-19, and the effect of Internet Safety Presentations has a limited impact. The investigations developed strategies to proactively investigate these egregious predators that are members of these Darknet communities and chat rooms. These Darknet communities and chat groups talk about how to effectively exploit children while avoiding arrest. Investigations such as Ian Brewer, Jonathan Spraque, and George Castillo have yielded significant arrests and allowed investigators to find and protect victims. As a result, members were able to infiltrate the predator communities, gain understanding of their techniques, and implement strategies to investigate and help protect children. This presentation will focus on Darknet chat communities and the techniques that they use to exploit and groom children. There is a science and art of grooming and manipulation that predators use on children. Technology along with these strategies have victimized countless children impacting their lives. Predators are able to match children's language and style among other advanced grooming techniques. The presenter will discuss real cases and the methods that these Darknet members use and give case examples on the techniques and strategies that predators use. Attendees will learn about offender Darknet communities and methods and ways to investigate and prevent online child exploitation.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss Darknet and chat communities

·  Discuss cases of child exploitation and trafficking

·  Describe predator strategies, thought process, and how they groom children

·  Explain remedies and ways to protect children

About the Presenter