Newtons Law: Secondary Traumatic Stress

Melissa Kaiser, LBSW | September 21 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Newtons Law states, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, and when it comes to working with victims, this law heavily impacts helping professionals. We are constantly in a high stress state, and we assume when the workday is done, we return to normal functioning, when in fact we suffer from addiction, depression, and changes to our daily functioning. Because we are exposed to trauma daily, we have a personal reaction that equally affects us. Yet, as helping professionals, we are often taught that it is normal and/or our fault, and that by talking about it, we are not able-bodied professionals. This session will help attendees gain understanding of compassion fatigue and related terms, strategies to cope with it, and a review of accessible resources. This session will also empower attendees to advocate for change and provide recommendations for internal protocol changes for individual agencies. If we do not start taking care of ourselves, the victims we work with are affected. Victims are triggered daily by burnt out and fatigued helping professionals, and often talk about the horrors of trying to access help. It is our duty to help ourselves first, and thus provide successful outcomes for the victims we serve.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss definitions of compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder

·  Describe personal examples, relatable scenarios, and assess personal level of impact

·  Explain coping strategies for personal and professional lives and how to create culture change at home and in the office

·  Discuss how compassion fatigue is normal and provide tools for agency involvement

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