Trauma Informed Yoga in Clinical Practice with Sex Trafficking Survivors

M. Elizabeth Bowman, PhD | September 21 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Direct Service, Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

This interactive workshop will seek to provide an overview of how to use yoga as a clinical intervention for treatment of trauma experiences of sex trafficking survivors. Research around this issue will be reviewed, including yoga as a clinical intervention and elements of trauma informed care for survivors of sex trafficking (Goodman & Calderon, 2012; Elliot, et al. 2005; Emerson, 2015; Jindani & Khalsa, 2015; Van der Kolk, 2014). The presenter’s lived experience as a sex trafficking survivor and the use of trauma informed yoga as an approach to find her own path to healing will also be discussed. During this workshop, providers and survivors will have the opportunity to learn about how to use trauma-informed yoga as an intervention to treat complex trauma symptoms for themselves and clients. Participants will be able to see how trauma-informed intervention is practiced and step-by-step instructions for effective application of yoga as a clinical tool will be reviewed.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss research-based concepts around trauma symptoms and trauma-informed interventions

·  Describe trauma-informed yoga as an intervention

·  Describe survivor's lived experience and the use of trauma informed yoga as a clinical approach to healing

About the Presenter