“Beyond Gender”: An Exploration of the Backgrounds and Experiences of Trans and Third Gender Youth in the Southeast Asian Sex Trade

Glenn Miles, PhD & Jarrett Davis, MA | September 21 | 11:45 am-12:45 pm

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

This presentation explores the backgrounds and experiences of trans and third gender youth involved in the sex trade in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Bangkok (Central Thailand), and Chiangmai (North Thailand). The datasets show three unique contexts where young people of diverse SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity and expression) are involved in the sex trade and face a variety of challenges, including stigma and discrimination from parents, teachers, and law enforcement, as well as sexual violence from clients and members of the public (including law enforcement). Many trans and third gender respondents discuss this violence as a normative part of their lived experience. This represents a crucial gap in research and programming as few organizations are open to working with trans and third gender people outside of providing them sexual health related advocacy and programming. While most praxis-focused literature on trans and third gender people tends to focus on HIV and other STIs and often ignores their broader feelings and experiences as individuals. This presentation attempts to add nuance to these discussions and advocates for the development of better resources to educate professionals in the health, social welfare, police, and legal professions.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide a thematic overview of the study, including findings and a discussion on critical gaps in social research

·  Describe the implications and recommendations based on the study for service providers, researchers, advocates, and community allies

About the Presenters