Posts tagged 19:2:45
How A Dad Traded his Daughter for a Black Book: A Survivor’s Perspective

The goal of this presentation is to educate attendees how hidden incest, sexual abuse, and rape trafficking go hand in hand. The presenter will identify grooming, incest and how both affected her life, tore apart relationships, and how she was able to overcome the past through education.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe how this happens easier in a rural community

·  Explain the signs of what it looks like when a child is enduring this kind of abuse

·  Discuss how teachers, nurses, and doctors can do things differently to help the child

·  Discuss how secret societies and hidden communities must have ways to be held accountable

·  Discuss the health issues to the audience with question and answer time

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Benefits and Challenges of Using Data Analytics and Mathematical Models to Aid Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts

Thus far, human trafficking research has primarily focused on qualitative studies, statistical estimations of prevalence, and insights generated from economic models. However, a variety of additional mathematical modeling and data analytic techniques also have the potential to help address the unique challenges facing anti-human trafficking efforts, including: the covertness of traffickers, the hidden nature of victim-survivors, fragmented data, and limited resources. This presentation will discuss ongoing transdisciplinary collaborations in this sphere and utilize multiple illustrative examples, including optimizing the allocation of a limited budget for rehabilitative shelters for human trafficking survivors and coordinating efforts to disrupt trafficking networks. Applications of such modeling approaches to other social justice contexts will also be briefly discussed. This presentation is designed to be accessible for all audiences, regardless of their familiarity with mathematical concepts.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify opportunities for mathematicians to aid service providers, policy makers, law enforcement personnel, and other researchers

·  Acknowledge challenges to modeling these environments

·  Highlight the benefits of incorporating mathematical models into the decision-making process through illustrative examples

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Labor Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at Forced Labor, Debt Bondage, and Involuntary Domestic Servitude

It’s wonderful that the world is awakening to the realization that slavery and trafficking in humans exist in our world today, but focusing on sex trafficking alone won’t help solve the problem. This workshop will offer a closer look at labor trafficking including forced labor, debt bondage, and involuntary domestic servitude. We will use case examples to discuss the complications in identifying and serving victims. At this workshop, attendees will learn how to recognize potential red flags and indicators of labor trafficking, understand the barriers that labor trafficking victims faced when accessing help, recognize the gaps in services for these vulnerable population, and understand immigration reliefs for victims. The presenter will also discuss the most effective practices to serve foreigner national labor human trafficking victims using trauma informed-care, cultural humility, and client-centered approach. Finally, the presenter will touch on how you as a consumer can fight human trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe different forms of human trafficking

·  Discuss how to identify victims

·  Explain barriers and gaps in social services

·  Discuss immigration reliefs and resources available

·  Identify the most effective practices using trauma-informed care, cultural humility and client-centered approach

·  Discuss the role of consumers in fighting labor human trafficking

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Tips for Supporting the Families and Loved Ones of Sex Trafficking Victims

An often-overlooked part of healing for survivors of the sex trafficking is preparing their family members and loved ones for their return. The development of the Through the Eyes of a Parent program has provided tips and supportive tools for these family members. This session will offer tips, strategies and suggestions that have successfully contributed to re-integration. Survivors of the commercial sex trade often find it easier to return to the trafficker than to work through the challenges of navigating through returning to their families. Using a trauma informed approach, we must address the environment, emotional reactions, psychological impact and day to day practical survival involved in "coming home". Often survivors don't understand that their families are in shock, and families are uncertain of how to best help their loved one. Learn how to help them.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the impact of reintegration on the survivors of sex trafficking

·  Explain the impact on the families and loves one of survivors of sex trafficking

·  Identify services needed to help with re-integration for survivors of sex trafficking

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Legislative Action on Human Trafficking: Towards a Data-Driven Policy

Previous statistical analysis of state-level human trafficking reporting in the Polaris data has identified demographic, economic, and sociological drivers of human trafficking. This enables a prediction of the number of reported victims to be expected for each state. States with high-performing programs and practices for identifying victims have a higher reported rate than that predicted by demographic and socio-economic drivers alone. This study compares the legislative environment of higher performing states, such as Ohio, to those with fewer reported cases for the same expected underlying rate. In this way, insight is gained as to which legislative actions are more effective in identifying victims. For example, training of emergency room workers is a very effective practice, yet at least 37% states have no such requirement. A statistical model derives data-driven recommendations for which legislative actions have the largest effect in driving the reporting of human trafficking victims.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify and recommend legislative actions effective at identifying more human trafficking victims

·  Advocate for more research on data-driven recommendations to combat human trafficking

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Reframing the "Modern Day Slavery" Paradigm in the U.S.: A Critical and Intersectional Look at Language, Images, and Stories in Anti-Human Trafficking Conversation

This presentation seeks to illuminate challenges presented and barriers related to the language and images used in anti-human trafficking work and formulate a better way forward. Specifically, the presenters consider the ways in which the diverse identities of people involved in trafficking situations, anti-human trafficking advocates, and the historical backdrop of the United States interacts with and impacts anti-human trafficking efforts. The presenters will discuss how anti-human trafficking language, imagery, and stories often inadvertently subvert objectives by shaping and influencing thinking, actions, attitudes, and the treatment of others in a non-comprehensive way. For example, how the imagery, language, and stories associated with referring to human-trafficking as "modern day slavery" is void of appropriate societal context, ostracizes and can offend victims and advocates, and recasts antebellum slavery in a sanitized light while retelling the story of American slavery as a rescue mission. This one example is a preview of how the presenters expect to deconstruct linguistic and visual tools to raise awareness and initiate a discussion for a more effective approach. The elucidation of such challenges is the departure point from which presenters and audience members will engage to formulate less constricting terms and work towards resolving such issues. At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees should have a basic understanding of subversive anti-human trafficking language choices and be able to identify better, concrete, options moving forward that more effectively accomplish the goal of discussing human-trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Highlight issues surrounding the language and imagery used in anti-human trafficking work

·  Discuss ideas for how to reframe our experiences

·  Set concrete objectives for participants to use going forward

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