Tips for Supporting the Families and Loved Ones of Sex Trafficking Victims

Debbie Lassiter, PhD | September 19 | 2:45-3:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate | Location: Ingman Room

An often-overlooked part of healing for survivors of the sex trafficking is preparing their family members and loved ones for their return. The development of the Through the Eyes of a Parent program has provided tips and supportive tools for these family members. This session will offer tips, strategies and suggestions that have successfully contributed to re-integration. Survivors of the commercial sex trade often find it easier to return to the trafficker than to work through the challenges of navigating through returning to their families. Using a trauma informed approach, we must address the environment, emotional reactions, psychological impact and day to day practical survival involved in "coming home". Often survivors don't understand that their families are in shock, and families are uncertain of how to best help their loved one. Learn how to help them.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the impact of reintegration on the survivors of sex trafficking

·  Explain the impact on the families and loves one of survivors of sex trafficking

·  Identify services needed to help with re-integration for survivors of sex trafficking

About the Presenter