Labor Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at Forced Labor, Debt Bondage, and Involuntary Domestic Servitude

Hao Nguyen, MSW | September 19 | 2:45-3:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate | Location: Room 2582

It’s wonderful that the world is awakening to the realization that slavery and trafficking in humans exist in our world today, but focusing on sex trafficking alone won’t help solve the problem. This workshop will offer a closer look at labor trafficking including forced labor, debt bondage, and involuntary domestic servitude. We will use case examples to discuss the complications in identifying and serving victims. At this workshop, attendees will learn how to recognize potential red flags and indicators of labor trafficking, understand the barriers that labor trafficking victims faced when accessing help, recognize the gaps in services for these vulnerable population, and understand immigration reliefs for victims. The presenter will also discuss the most effective practices to serve foreigner national labor human trafficking victims using trauma informed-care, cultural humility, and client-centered approach. Finally, the presenter will touch on how you as a consumer can fight human trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe different forms of human trafficking

·  Discuss how to identify victims

·  Explain barriers and gaps in social services

·  Discuss immigration reliefs and resources available

·  Identify the most effective practices using trauma-informed care, cultural humility and client-centered approach

·  Discuss the role of consumers in fighting labor human trafficking

About the Presenter