Posts tagged 21:2:45
Mobile Applications: A Human Trafficker’s Greatest Advantage

The evolution of technology is opening doors for human sex trafficking using an online commercial advertising environment. The internet has enabled traffickers to advertise the services of their victims via web and cell phone dating, classifieds, and commercial sex platforms. This presentation is designed to aid public safety partners in identifying the current most popular sex trafficking web sites and cell phone applications, terminology used by victims and pimps, tattoos that may be identified in sex advertisement photos, the use of the Spotlight Program, how to safely navigate sex trafficking platforms, and what to do if you identify a possible trafficking situation. Topics that will be covered in this presentation include Backpage adult services section closure and its effects on the industry, a review of the top trafficking sites (Backpage, Craigslist, Locanto, Erotic Mug Shots etc), an overview of tattoos/branding and terminology, what to do when a suspected sex trafficking advertisement or internet application is found, and open source websites that can provide information and programs that can assist in investigations.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Brief overview of human trafficking

·       Discuss online and cell phone application commercial sex advertisement

·       Present examples of advertisements

·       Review the indicators of a possible trafficking victim ad

·       Discuss the terminology and symbols associated with these sites

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There Isn’t an “I” in MDT: Seamless Collaboration for Any Size Team

Multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) exist in a variety of different settings. The question is how well developed is the team and how effective does the team function? Some teams suffer from barriers such as professional mistrust, issues with confidentiality, lack of support from administration, and overall lack of knowledge of what team members may bring to the table. In this interactive workshop, participants will examine the strengths and barriers of MDTs, how improved communication and collaboration foster a healthy environment for team collaboration, and help team members navigate tough discussion that have the ability to impact the client population served.
Presentation Objectives:

·       Explain the members and roles of an MDT and how a lack of communication and/or collaboration can affect clients

·       Explore the strengths and weakness of the MDT model

·       Explain the process of forming an MDT

·       Describe ways communication and collaboration can assist in the development of effective teams for the safety of the client

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Services Gaps and Redundancies: Findings from the Michigan Human Trafficking Resource Survey (MHTRS)

In this session, initial findings from the Michigan Human Trafficking Resource Survey (MHTRS) will be presented. A comprehensive statewide survey of public service agencies and advocates was conducted from May to August 2017 in order to assess the state of anti-trafficking resources in Michigan. Human trafficking is a pernicious problem whose harms are exacerbated by inadequate data, a lack of interagency collaboration, and persistent misconceptions about factors that make individuals vulnerable to exploitation. Despite increasing public awareness and a rise in the number of anti-trafficking humanitarian organizations, survivors and advocates report significant barriers to accessing help they need. Based on data from the MHTRS, this session explores this problem by examining gaps and redundancies in anti-human trafficking resources in Michigan: what services are being offered, by which types of organizations, and for which groups of individuals. The MHTRS research sample consisted of 317 organizations identified through referral lists provided by members of the Joint Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (JATT), ethnographic research, and a purposeful sampling of organizations identified as geographically and culturally representative of service providers in the state: government agencies, health and human service providers, advocacy groups, and allied agencies in education and the faith-based community from throughout Michigan and Indian Tribal Nations. As of July 2017, 195 organizations completed the survey for a response rate of 62%.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Present findings from the Michigan Human Trafficking Resource Survey (MHTRS)
  • Explore the barriers, redundancies, and gaps in anti-human trafficking services
  • Identify culturally appropriate interventions, trauma-informed approaches, trafficking terminology, and best practices involving survivor-leaders in the design and delivery of care.
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People Arrested for Trading in Child Rape

The rape of children in America is shared every day in videos, photos and live-steams. Evidence of this crime is often displayed on the internet and in high volume. These types of crimes against children continue, in part, because of our collective denial and inaction. This presentation will provide an overview of over 1,000 child pornography arrests that will appear in Lori’s upcoming book, "Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape." Findings from analyzed data include a common predator profile and themes of common responses from the institutions in which these predators worked. The presenter will provide information on the steps institutions and organizations need to take to ensure sexual predators are held accountable, and to decrease the likelihood that predators are hired. Discussion about preventing this type of child abuse will also take place. 

Presentation Objectives:

  • Provide an overview of child pornography arrests
  • Review common predator profiles
  • Discuss steps necessary to ensure predators are held accountable
  • Explore ways to decrease the likelihood predators are hired
  • Discuss ways to prevent child abuse
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Security for Whom?: How Maritime Security Measures Can Increase Vulnerability Toward Human Trafficking

This presentation aims to analyze trends in maritime-based and coastal human trafficking and smuggling in sub-Saharan states, specifically in East and West Africa. The presentation is part of a long-term collaborative research project of the One Earth Future Foundation that examines the extent of criminal maritime activities off coastal sub-Saharan African states. Mixed maritime migration has garnered attention in recent years in the Mediterranean Sea, but the Atlantic and Indian Ocean regions have largely been neglected. This presentation goes beyond an analysis of trends in maritime migration by examining whether increased security measures, including naval patrols by littoral states, have encouraged potential victims of smuggling to take more perilous routes through the Sahara Desert to reach their European target destination, during which their vulnerability to trafficking increases. The presentation, thus, offers a new perspective on how security policy has altered, rather than prevented migration. First, the presentation will examine historical regional routes in terms of frequency and destinations. Second, the presenter will discuss if and how security policy has altered routes to increase trafficking victim vulnerability. The presentation will assess whether a more nuanced security structure is needed to address the prevention component of trafficking. Lastly, linking changes in routes to illicit migration patterns will be explored.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Present a perspective that can inform strategies to innovatively address existing responses to human trafficking
  • Contribute to a larger discussion on localizing approaches to human smuggling and trafficking
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Fighting Trafficking Through Legislation and Partnerships

This presentation will provide an overview of the political framework that has surrounded human trafficking in South Dakota and the many ways that it is currently being changed through the passing of new legislation. The male-dominated government positions typically have more influence and decision-making power. Women in government are challenging this, and are working to bring people to the table for conversations that challenge their long-held beliefs. Creating alliances of women from all socioeconomic backgrounds is important in order to partner together to combat trafficking. Additionally, it is important to utilize the current systems in place, including government programs, to use a systemic approach in identifying and combating trafficking in the Midwest.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Discuss the political framework that has surrounded human trafficking in South Dakota
  • Explain the importance of alliances by women of all socioeconomic backgrounds to partner together to combat trafficking.
  • Discuss the importance of utilizing the current systems in place
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Partners Against Trafficking in Humans: The Vision for the PATH Model

The PATH (Partners Against Trafficking in Humans) Project is a community-wide, coordinated, transparent, and data-driven response to serve victims of human trafficking. The PATH Project was developed using a combination of the Office for Victims of Crime Comprehensive Services Model, the Pathways Model (a successful model used to increase the healthy births of high-risk babies), and elements of social work practice. The goal is to provide intensive and comprehensive services that move victims to survivors and survivors to thrivers. The vision is for the PATH Model to become an evidence-based model to be shared with other communities. Attendees will learn the components of the model and the experience of practitioners that are implementing the model.

Presentation Objectives:

·         Describe the components of the PATH Project and the PATH Model

·         Explain the continuum of care (including conceptual definitions of a victim, survivor, and thriver)

·         Present the basic findings from PATH Model data analysis

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