People Arrested for Trading in Child Rape

Lori Handrahan | September 21 | 2:45-3:45 PM | Room 2584

The rape of children in America is shared every day in videos, photos and live-steams. Evidence of this crime is often displayed on the internet and in high volume. These types of crimes against children continue, in part, because of our collective denial and inaction. This presentation will provide an overview of over 1,000 child pornography arrests that will appear in Lori’s upcoming book, "Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape." Findings from analyzed data include a common predator profile and themes of common responses from the institutions in which these predators worked. The presenter will provide information on the steps institutions and organizations need to take to ensure sexual predators are held accountable, and to decrease the likelihood that predators are hired. Discussion about preventing this type of child abuse will also take place. 

Presentation Objectives:

  • Provide an overview of child pornography arrests
  • Review common predator profiles
  • Discuss steps necessary to ensure predators are held accountable
  • Explore ways to decrease the likelihood predators are hired
  • Discuss ways to prevent child abuse

About the Presenter