Your Passport To Awareness

Jenn Amo | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 2592

You’re invited to “pack a bag and grab that passport” as you embark on a multimedia journey around the globe with Women At Risk, International. This Michigan based, nonprofit organization was established to create circles of protection around at-risk women and children. Through culturally sensitive, value-added intervention projects and partnerships, they provide safe places to heal from abuse, trafficking, exploitation, and more. Each month, additional projects and partnerships are formed, increasing their ability to offer the rescued and at-risk a "hand-up" instead of a handout. You will experience some of their curative, supportive, and preventative programs that reach over 40 countries. Because this crime is targeting minors, you will be introduced to the highly successful youth prevention program, Warning Lights. This program (in its various forms) is making its way across the nation. It is fighting to protect our kids, teens, and young adults from the disguised lures of human trafficking. You will hear directly from “Jenn At War”, the author and program director, on how Warning Lights is being received by audiences, voted into school curriculums, and continually utilized by communities to create circles of protection for families. This emotional and memorable voyage will broaden your awareness, refuel your compassion for others, and reward you with new ways that you too can get involved.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Describe the Women At Risk, International and Warning Lights programs

·       Discuss how these programs are being utilized around the world

About the Presenter