Equipping Survivors to Manage Trauma

Debbie Lassiter | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room 2591

Human trafficking survivors are constantly reminded of their lived experience. They struggle with PTSD, Stockholm Syndrome, DID, nightmares, flashbacks, and memory loss. During their own trauma recovery, they fight against themselves to appear ‘normal’ and to survive in this alternate universe. Often the only help for them is to prescribe medication, psychotherapy, support groups, counseling, etc. All of these, and many other supportive services and resources, are needed; however, we are missing one of their most valuable resources: their bodies. Service providers can teach them to manage their stress and trauma episodes by regulating their own bodies response to these incidents.

Building personal resilience combines personal coaching or mentoring with scientifically validated tools to help individuals self-regulate responses to stress and build resilience. Often when a survivor has a nightmare, they wake up in a room or home with others that have no idea of how to help them. Developing and building personal resilience will result in mental clarity and focus, improved relationships, and an overall sense of well-being. During the presentation, a technique will be shared that will have immediate results. The effects of this presentation are not limited to survivors, but can be applied to anyone including individuals providing services for survivors. Introducing this valuable resource will help survivors continue to regain their sense of self and position them to help others safely.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Discuss the trauma victims of human trafficking can experience and the importance of trauma recovery

·       Share techniques to help survivors cope with trauma

About the Presenter