New Perspectives on Prosecuting Labor Trafficking in Minnesota

Madeline Lohman & Beatriz Menanteau | September 21 | 10:15-11:15 AM | Room Ingman

With respect to human trafficking, Minnesota has spent a decade building and refining its response to sex trafficking, but its response to labor trafficking is less developed. This presentation will examine the challenges and new opportunities for prosecuting labor trafficking and effectively protecting victims in Minnesota. The workshop will present findings from The Advocates’ recent report, Asking the Rights Questions: A Human Rights Approach to Ending Trafficking and Exploitation in the Workplace, which illuminates the current state of labor trafficking prosecutions in Minnesota and its impact on victims. The presenters will also draw on several recent cases from the Washington County Human Trafficking Unit to provide examples of advances in prosecuting labor trafficking under Minnesota law and analyze ways to further improve victim protection. Finally, the presentation will look at a new initiative by the Minnesota Department of Health to improve outcomes for child victims of sex and labor trafficking and how it will impact the investigation and prosecution of labor trafficking.
Presentation Objectives:

  • Explain where Minnesota currently stands in terms of labor trafficking awareness, victim response, and prosecution.
  • Explore recent labor trafficking cases for possible ways to expand Minnesota’s approach to labor trafficking and better protect victims.
  • Discuss a new initiative to improve outcomes for child victims of sex and labor trafficking and its potential impact on prosecutions.

About the Presenters