Vulnerabilities for LGBTQIA+ Children and Adolescents and the Impact of Trauma Bonding

Gabriela Cristina Celeiro, LCSW | September 20 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

LGBTQIA+ young people face homelessness, discrimination, and vulnerabilities aging out of foster care, combined with a lack of resources. Statistics show that LGBTQIA+ youth have higher rates of engaging in survival sex to meet their basic needs, and also face deeper rejection from law enforcement and social services. BIPOC Trans women are victims of attempted homicide and violence at higher rates than their counterparts. Specialized training and services are required to assist this population and minimize further exploitation. Mainstream systems are needed to provide culturally appropriate services to LGBTQIA+ young people, as this work continues to face societal homophobia and heterosexism. Participants in this training will learn about the connection between sex trafficking and survival sex, the added vulnerabilities of psychological manipulation and trauma bonding for youth engaging in the commercial sex industry, and the prevalence of sex tourism in impoverished communities. Participants will also be able to identify ways that they can provide trauma-informed wrap around services to assist this population.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss risk factors for LGBTQIA+ youth in North America and Puerto Rico

·  Provide statistics and data showing the added vulnerabilities and violence experienced by this population

·  Explain the added risks of psychological manipulation and trauma-bonding and how to help with trauma-informed sensory based care and expressive arts programing

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