Exploring Faith-Based Organizations’ Input in the Fight against Human Trafficking in the U.S.

Charles Hounmenou, PhD | September 20 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Research | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Faith-based organizations (FBOs) have had substantial involvement in the anti-human trafficking movement (Gee & Smith, 2014). Yet, limited research is available on the crucial roles they play. This study explored FBOs' input in the anti-trafficking movement in the U.S. by examining their motivations to engage in human trafficking work, their distinctive competencies as key stakeholders, and their experiences and challenges in providing human trafficking services. A purposive sample of 16 representatives from 14 FBOs with anti-human trafficking work experience were recruited. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data. Thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted. The study included 13 FBOs of Christian denominations and one from a Jewish denomination. Faith was reported as the most significant, rallying, and inspiring influence in FBOs' engagement in the field. Study participants concurred that efforts to convert trafficking survivors to one's religion are unethical and counterproductive. Their agencies had experiences in various aspects of prevention, protection, and even assistance in prosecuting human trafficking cases and at multiple levels of intervention. The distinctive capacities of FBOs for policy advocacy, training, and housing services for trafficking survivors provide a glimpse of their leading roles in human trafficking policy implementation. Operating primarily outside public funding allows FBOs to develop services that help assist survivors more adequately and without time limits. All 14 FBOs reported using a non-discriminatory, survivor-centered, and trauma-informed approach in their human trafficking service delivery. The findings contradict proselytizing misperceptions about FBOs involved in human trafficking work. Implications for practice, policy implementation, and research will be discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Examine the motivations of FBOs to engage in human trafficking work

·  Describe the distinctive characteristics and competencies that make FBOs key stakeholders in the fight against human trafficking

·  Examine the experiences and challenges of FBOs in doing human trafficking work

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