My Survivor Story

Fatou Jagne | September 20 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Experience, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Fatou Jagne is a survivor of human trafficking. Her experience as a survivor motivated her to become an exemplary leader in her network, to ensure that trafficking is abolished in the Gambia and Africa at large. Since she returned home in 2017, she has dedicated her life to fighting against human trafficking, irregular migration, and other human right abuses against women and girls. She wants to ensure that all perpetrators of human trafficking are brought to justice. Fatou volunteers with youth organizations such as Africans Rising, Activista, Network Against Gender Based Violence, and the National Youth Council, where she works to ensure that young women and survivors realize their full potential and become great leaders in the future. In 2020, the Network of Girls Against Human Trafficking (NoGAHT) in partnership with Action for Humanity helped bring back 38 women and girls back from Lebanon to the Gambia. After series of efforts, in October 2022, Fatou Jagne also worked to bring back others who were being trafficked to Dubai using false information to get them into a risky journey with hopes for a better life. After receiving funding from Jah Oil, The Gambia, and some Gambians for the payment of their air tickets to return home, Fatou was able to help these victims. Attendees will hear the story of Fatou’s human trafficking experience and what she has been doing since to help others. Trafficking is real and we still have more victims that need help!

Presentation Objectives:

·  Share her personal experience of human trafficking

·  Discuss all of the collaboration and funding secured to help other victims of human trafficking return to their home country of The Gambia

About the Presenter