Posts in 2019
Building a Macro-Multidisciplinary Statewide Response to the Human Trafficking of Youth

This workshop demonstrates how Ohio is utilizing a cross-agency team of human trafficking experts (Ohio Network of Child Advocacy Centers, Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Department of Public Safety, and Department of Youth Services) to develop enhanced, trauma-informed strategies. Through this advanced practical training, participants will learn about identification, referral continuum, shelter, stabilization/ transition, MDT resiliency, safe harbor implementation, specialty docket development, and prosecutor/magistrate training.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Demonstrate how Ohio is utilizing a cross-agency team of human trafficking experts (ONCAC, PCSAO, DPS, and DYS) to develop enhanced, trauma-informed strategies

·  Discuss identification, referral continuum, shelter, stabilization/transition, MDT resiliency, safe harbor implementation, specialty docket development, and prosecutor/magistrate training

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When “SANE” and Trafficking Meet

This presentation includes detailed information about how the sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) is able to help a victim of trafficking. The presenter will describe how the patient benefits from an exam completed by a trained SANE nurse and medical treatment options for patients. The presentation will conclude with a few case studies of patients that were seen and treated by SANE trained nurses. Suggestions will be provided for caring for this difficult patient population.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide a detailed overview of how SANE’s help victims of trafficking

·  Describe how patients can benefit from a skilled SANE nurse

·  Present case studies

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Similarities and Distinctive Aspects in the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Africa and the United States

Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is prevalent in every region in the world. ILO (2005) estimates that 1.39 million people are victims of sexual exploitation, including approximately 0.79 million children. ILO considers CSEC a major violation of the human rights of children and a crime on the part of those who use children in the sex trade (IPEC, 2007). Scholars tend to view CSEC in the Global South through a Western theoretical lens, thus failing to contextualize the phenomenon based on distinctive environmental factors in each region. This presentation aims to compare key characteristics of CSEC in the U.S. and in countries in West Africa. A review of selected studies on CSEC conducted in the two regions between 2008 and 2016 shows that there are as many similarities as distinctive aspects regarding the characteristics of victims, service provision, policies, and research. In both regions, most CSEC victims are citizens of the countries where they live; boys and transgender youth tend to have more agency than girls over their sexual transactions. Distinctive aspects of CSEC include: the proportion of boy victims of CSEC close to that of girls in the U.S.; limited presence of pimps in CSEC and limited evidence of mental health issues among victims in West Africa. The presentation challenges key knowledge in the mainstream literature on CSEC. It also points to the importance of giving consideration to social and cultural factors in services and research on CSEC. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe similarities and differences in the characteristics of CSEC in West Africa and the United States

·  Describe and contrast services needed and accessed by CSEC victims in West Africa and the United States

·  Discuss the policy responses to CSEC in the two regions

·  Contrast the issues in research about CSEC in the two regions and draw lessons for international research practice.

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Sex Trafficking and Early Childhood Sexual Abuse: Making Connections

This engaging journey will provide a greater understanding of how the foster care system, the human brain, and human trafficking are all connected. Amy’s personal testimony will leave you inspired and hopeful for a future without human trafficking. When a child experiences trauma, the developing brain has the capacity to shut down certain areas, to self-protect. As Amy explains the data and her own experience with abuse, severe disassociation, substance abuse, and cognitive issues, deeper systemic issues will unfold. While no child, or adult, is completely immune from the evils of human trafficking, those who have already experienced severe trauma are more likely to fall victim. Children in foster care, runaways, throwaways, and homeless are at a much greater risk of being trafficked than the typical child in America. Preventing human trafficking has proven to be a difficult endeavor, but do not lose hope. Through holistic approaches in mental health, early education, law enforcement, and foster care, intervention and restoration is possible.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain how early childhood sexual trauma creates greater vulnerability to sex trafficking

·  Discuss the connection between children in foster care, runaways, throwaways, and homeless children and sex trafficking.

·  Describe how early intervention, support systems, and holistic therapy options can prevent sex trafficking

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Understanding Human Trafficking through the Lens of Central American Law Enforcement and Victims

Human trafficking through Central America with victims heading to the United States is an emerging international crisis. Objectives of this presentation are to share the presenter’s in-country research on human trafficking in Central America which involved studying how victims are trafficked through Central America to the United States. He traveled to the Central American country of Belize in February of 2019 and spoke with those on the front lines in Central America involved in detecting human trafficking victims before they reach the United States. The presenter will share his research on human trafficking through Central America that was obtained through speaking with immigration officers, defense force members, Belize Coast Guard members, and the Human Trafficking advocate with the Belize Judicial Branch on the current issues that exist in Belize and the greater Central American region in terms of human trafficking. In addition, published data and research by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will also be presented. The objectives in this presentation are to share insight that he gained from Central America in terms of indicators that officers in this region are currently seeing from their interdiction of human trafficking, which include victim branding/tattooing, gang associations with human trafficking in Central America, victims in the sex trade awaiting unfulfilled promises of being smuggled north, and case studies of actual victims who have been abused by human traffickers. Objectives include providing the audience with a deeper understanding of how human trafficking appears through the eyes of victims and international law enforcement.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide the audience with a deeper understanding of human trafficking trends in Central America

·  Describe the human trafficking encounters law enforcement in Belize has experienced

·  Share research from speaking with Belize immigration officers, Belize Defense Force members, Belize Coast Guard members, and the Human Trafficking advocate with the Belize Judicial Branch

·  Discuss indicators of human trafficking, such as branding/tattooing

·  Discuss the gang association in Central America with human trafficking

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Sex Trafficking: Health Consequences and Why Victims Stay

Human trafficking victims often suffer many physical and psychological health consequences. It’s often challenging to identify victims of human trafficking because they often do not self-identify, are isolated, have increased self-hatred, and fear retaliation. While being exploited, 9/10 victims come in contact with health care providers but sadly are under recognized. Health care professional are in a unique position to help identify and treat these victims. Thanks to the momentum of education and awareness on this topic over the last five years, we are coming to know that human trafficking exists in the United States. This presentation will give a general overview of the health implications and give health care practitioners effective strategies to help work with these difficult mindsets and the health complexities and consequences that intersect while being trafficked.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Present current literature as it applies to the intersection of health care and sex trafficking

·  Discuss the health implications of sex trafficking victims

·  Discuss the mindset of human trafficking victims and why they stay

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Project NO REST: North Carolina Organizing and Responding to the Exploitation and Sexual Trafficking of Children

This session will present an overview of Project NO REST, a five-year effort funded by the Children’s Bureau and VOCA, and its approach to strengthening and supporting North Carolina’s infrastructure for addressing the trafficking of vulnerable youth in the state, especially those with a child welfare connection. It will cover the project’s development of a comprehensive plan to address both sex and labor trafficking. The presenter will describe the recruitment and experiences of five pilot sites, containing 17 counties, as well as information on the 477 individuals they served in the first two years. He also will describe the outreach campaign to connect survivors to services.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide information on Project NO REST and its plan to address trafficking in North Carolina

·  Articulate the project’s collaborative network approach to address trafficking

·  Describe the operation of five pilot sites and present information on the individuals they served

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Project STAAR: Using Photovoice to Reduce Stigma and Promote Resilience among Survivors of Childhood Sex Trafficking

Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world today generating $9.5 billion yearly in the United States, with 98% of sex trafficking victims being women and girls. This photovoice project aims to 1) to increase awareness of the issue of human trafficking; and 2) to improve the ability of systems to appropriately and effectively respond to human trafficking in a trauma-informed manner, in order to reduce stigma and promote resilience. Project STAAR (Survivors of Trafficking creating Art, Agency, and Resilience) is a survivor-informed photovoice project that utilized grounded theory analysis techniques to facilitate critical conversations with two cohorts of survivors of childhood sex trafficking. A photovoice approach, with grounded theory analysis techniques was used to conduct two cohorts of data collection involving critical conversations with survivors of childhood sex trafficking. The resulting compilation of photos and narratives shared by the artists (the survivors) will be shown as a 20-minute silent short film. The film is powerful and conveys the many ‘photovoices’ of survivors of child sex trafficking. Following the film, the Project STAAR team will present lessons learned and findings (photography and narratives) from the project. Recommendations for improving advocacy, outreach and services will also be discussed. Dr. Lesley Harris, Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville, Dr. Maurice Gattis, Associate Professor at the University of Louisville, and Angela Renfro, Executive Director of the Kristy Love Foundation are contributors of this presentation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Increase awareness of the issue of child sex trafficking in the United States

·  Enhance knowledge and understanding regarding the dynamics of child sex trafficking and its impact on children

·  Reduce stigma and promote resilience among child trafficking survivors

·  Improve the ability of systems to appropriately and effectively respond to child sex trafficking in a trauma-informed manner

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Human Trafficking and Individuals with Developmental Disability

The goal of this presentation is to assist with awareness and understanding of human trafficking when working with Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (DD). The session will cover DD Individuals Risk Factors and why they are so vulnerable. The presenters will share stories about experiences with their population who have been trafficked, how to report, how to recognize the signs, how to support individuals and families if they experienced human trafficking. The session will also cover some labor trafficking stories in order to protect the DD population from employers who have immoral practices. Attendees will take away how their individual vulnerabilities have made them targets in the United States as well as overseas. They will share resources to assist the DD individuals and general population about Human Trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the risk factors and vulnerabilities for the DD population

·  Describe how our DD systems need to work together for positive outcomes of the victim

·  Explain the importance why the DD and Learning-Disabled population need to learn prevention

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Criminalized, Not Listened to, or Believed: Trafficked Young People’s Experiences of Services in England

The presentation reports findings from an innovative study with young people who were trafficked as children into and within England. Creative methods of music and dance were utilized to access, engage young people and build trust. In-depth qualitative interviews and focus groups were held with 20 young people aged 15-21. This qualitative research examined lived experiences of trafficking and how children experience services within the child trafficking framework in England. Although a victim-centered approach is espoused in child trafficking policy, this research reveals how the binary opposite is experienced by children and young people in front-line services. Young people experienced immigration-driven and prosecution-focused practice and were treated as complicit in their situations. They reported how they were not listened to, not believed and further blamed by practitioners for their situations. Young people were criminalized, either as illegal immigrants or prosecuted for trafficking related crimes, creating further harm. The findings strongly support depoliticizing child trafficking policy away from a criminal justice approach towards policy and practice that centers on children and young people’s welfare needs and protection. An urgent cultural shift is required in practitioners believing young people when disclosing abuse. This relates to wider concerns of disbelief in children’s accounts of abuse in organized child sexual abuse scandals across England. The key message for social work education and practice is that Children Services need to realign their practice with migrant children as anti-discriminatory and reaffirm social work’s role in upholding children’s rights to equal access to protection.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Share research findings from listening to children how they experience services

·  Provide an English perspective of how child trafficking policy and practice is experienced

·  Discuss implications of findings on practice

·  Explore what we can learn from similarities/differences between the English and American anti-trafficking contexts

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An Eight-Year Analysis of Labor Trafficking Arrest Cases in the United States

Labor trafficking across the United States is a serious and pervasive national problem that has remained largely unexamined. Media reports indicate that labor trafficking occurs in both rural and urban areas in the United States, targeting victims who are both U.S. citizens and immigrants of any gender, race, age, and sexual orientation. The ASU Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research examined labor trafficking arrest cases throughout the United States from 2011 to 2018. The study identified 180 traffickers arrested for labor trafficking of both migrants and U.S. citizens and 273 victims of labor trafficking during this time period. The research team focused on arrest cases for which there was evidence qualifying the incident as labor trafficking under the U.S. federal, Trafficking Victim Protection Act definition. The team used the three constituent elements of human trafficking (action, means, and purpose) to identify potential labor trafficking arrest reports in the media and governmental agencies. Details about the cases will be explored and characteristics such as transportation, recruitment, and control tactics will be presented. Recommendations for future research and community action will be discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide information to develop specific training for law enforcement and prosecutors on characteristics of labor trafficking in the United States

·  Explore the distribution of arrests of labor traffickers of migrant and domestic workers in the United States,

·  Explore patterns of different types of labor traffickers of migrant and domestic workers (females, staffing agency-involved, solo vs. group offenders)

·  Add to the literature regarding the vulnerabilities of migrant and domestic workers exploited by labor trafficking

·  Fill a gap in the knowledge about the scope of arrests of labor traffickers of migrant and domestic workers in the United States

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"I Am More": Seeing the Individual, Not a Diagnosis

This art exhibit will consist of artwork from individuals struggling with mental health disorders. These pieces will depict how they have learned to use art to cope with and/or overcome their mental health struggles and showcase that they are more than just their mental health journey.

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Bring empowerment to the artists and allow a safe space for them to express their feelings toward their mental health or to showcase how art is a coping skill

·  Bring enlightenment to attendees to look past the stigma of mental health diagnoses and truly see the individual

·  Allow attendees to connect with these pieces and feel empowered in their own journey to improving their own mental health

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2019Anna Schrammart
Understanding Which Youth are At-Risk for Sex Trafficking and Responding

With limited time, money, and resources, advocates need to know which youth are at the highest risk for sex trafficking and then do their best to prevent it. The presenter will provide the audience with a new and free human trafficking risk assessment tool (HTRISK) developed at the University of Toledo’s Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute with support from the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund and will provide instructions on how to administer and score it. Findings from use of the tool on over 400 Ohio youth will also be presented. Once understood, the majority of the session will be devoted to discussing effective ways to implement programming and policies aimed at reducing risk, increasing protective factors, and removing the barriers to serving youth at high-risk for sex trafficking.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide the HTRISK Assessment Tool and discuss the findings from the study

·  Explain which youth are most at-risk and the importance of focusing on at-risk youth over the general population of youth

·  Describe strategies to reduce risk, increase protection, and remove service barriers for youth at risk


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Survivor Story - Overcoming Adversity: Why Not Me?

This presentation will focus on one night that completely changed the trajectory of  Vanessa's life. In February, 28 years ago, Vanessa and her roommate, Kelly, were out together and with a 2 mm shift. Vanessa was not in the spot where Kelly was picked up and subsequently murdered that same night. Vanessa knew she was spared by God on this night and strived to escape the traffickers. After close calls on her own life and failed escape attempts, she was able to escape, return to high school, university, and then Law school, to become a successful lawyer. After years of success, CPTSD forced her to seek treatment and acknowledge her accomplishment. Once Vanessa found her true purpose, she came out of hiding. She realized that she was spared by God for a purpose and she finally began speaking about her story, realizing how inspirational her story is and how she can use her powerful voice to help other survivors. Vanessa's mission is to raise awareness and save lives of other survivors through scholarships.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Share an amazing victim/survivor story and how a 2mm shift changed the course of the survivor's life

·  Raise awareness of foundation for other NGOs or persons in attendance for fundraising and scholarship applications.

·  Provide an inspirational and an emotionally charged story to the audience to induce attendees to continue their purpose with respect to the human trafficking issue

·  To provide an example to any other victims or survivors that are in attendance

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Making Human Trafficking A National Priority: A Comparison Between the United States of America, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and South Africa

Human trafficking is one of the worst human rights abuses affecting Africa and the world. Also, human trafficking continues to be a big problem in the United States of America, affecting majority of states. Human trafficking is alive and well in the United States, just as it is in Nigeria, Ethiopia and South Africa. Most of the trafficked victims are children, vulnerable women, and girls usually deceived into conditions of suffering. This presentation expounds the need to make human trafficking a national priority and compares the level of commitment by the United States of America, Nigeria, Ethiopia and South Africa to ending human trafficking. It examines the efforts of state and federal government in tackling human trafficking, and provides recommendations. The efforts of the United States of America, Nigeria, Ethiopia and South Africa in tackling human trafficking were documented through discussions and interviews with anti-human trafficking experts, state and federal government agencies, and citizens. The presenters also gathered facts from published researches and articles. The findings from the study showed that not many countries have shown a high level of commitment to combating human trafficking. Most of the countries have not demonstrated sustainable commitment in action and result that shows human trafficking is a national priority. This also indicates the need to call on government of countries to demonstrate sincere political will and commitment in tackling human trafficking. Joseph Chidiebere Osuigwe, BEd is a contributing author to this presentation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the rate of human trafficking in United States of America, Nigeria, Ethiopia and South Africa and their efforts in combating it

·  Discuss “making the fight of human trafficking a national priority” and the need for both state and federal government to show strong political will and commitment

·  Describe how countries can make anti-human trafficking a national priority

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"I Am More": Using Art to Cope

This art exhibit is a safe space, open to all conference attendees regardless of past experience with art. This is a place to learn about the psychological, emotional, and physical benefits of art as well as allows for the attendee to experiment with various art mediums and methods. This room also provides a place for general relaxation to allow for the attendee to process the information they have absorbed through the conference. We encourage attendees to take advantage of this special space in order to find a relief from the heavy topics of the day, discover with their own creative capabilities, and to walk away with knowledge of art-based interventions.

Exhibit Objectives:

·  Share the benefits of art based therapeutic techniques

·  Provide a space for processing and relaxation

·  Create an environment for learning and discussion

·  Give attendees a place to experiment with art and discover their own creative capabilities

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2019Anna Schrammart
The Intersection of Sex Trafficking and the Opioid Crisis

Sex trafficking and opioid addiction are growing problems throughout the U.S., with a significant increase in sex trafficking victims reporting opioid use and dependency, initially forced upon them by their traffickers or pimps. Peer reviewed studies have found a direct link with the increase in addiction and the increase in human trafficking, specifically regarding the addiction process in beginning the trauma bond between the trafficking victim and trafficker, resulting in an increase in difficulty for victims to leave their trafficking situation, as now trauma and addiction issues must be addressed. This workshop explores the dynamics of sex trafficking while focusing on the prevalence of trafficking in the U.S., tactics of traffickers, and the role addiction plays in the world of trafficking. In depth analysis of trafficking case studies will be provided.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the intersection of sex trafficking and the opioid epidemic

·  Educate about drugs often used to keep victims in the life

·  Explore the intersectionality of drugs and coercion

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Holding Corporations Accountable for Labor and Sex Exploitation

While the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) has rarely been within the purview of the corporate compliance world, a recent nationwide waive of corporate anti-human trafficking litigation is changing how corporations address human trafficking risks within their operations and supply chain. In fact, although trafficking victims have generally invoked the TVPA to seek restitution from their traffickers, this landmark federal law also grants a cause of action to bring claims against multinationals, such as hotel chains, financial institutions, social media companies, and retail manufacturers that benefit from labor or sex exploitation. Additionally, the TVPA exposes corporations to potential criminal liability if their business operations, or even investments, benefit from human trafficking. This presentation will address corporate human trafficking liability and describe how domestic and foreign companies may become the target of victim-centered civil litigation as well as regulatory enforcement or criminal prosecution because of their negligent or reckless failures to implement appropriate corporate anti-human trafficking compliance. The presentation will also review recent corporate anti-human trafficking lawsuits that have seen well-known international hotels, large tech companies and luxury car manufacturers at the crosshair of forced labor, sex trafficking and corporate liability.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe how companies can be held civilly and criminally liable for benefitting from forced labor and sex trafficking

·  Explain how social workers and advocates can work with trafficking victims and legal professionals to provide redress by holding corporations liable

·  Discuss how law enforcement can combine corporate investigation techniques and human trafficking prosecution experience to investigate and prosecute corporations whose operations or investments benefit from human trafficking

·  Explain how policy advocates can borrow from federal corporate anti-trafficking regime to spearhead similar legislation reform of state anti-trafficking laws

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A Comparison of Global and U.S. Human Trafficking Structures: UNODC vs. IOM/Polaris Datasets

Employing the Murray, Dingman, Porter, and Otte (2015) framework of nine human trafficking situations, the researchers computed two global trafficking structure frequency distributions. The first distribution was based on (N = 1,300+) coded United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Human Trafficking Case Law database cases. Results indicate that 20% of victims are "Willing Assimilators," 30% are "Tricked and Trapped," and 40% have been "Trapped and Robbed." However, the ratios differ for the International Organization for Migration/Polaris data (N = 55,000+). Here, 55% are Willing Assimilators, 25% are Trapped and Robbed, and the remaining eight (out of nine) victim categories are all below 10%.  Overall, the findings suggest a global need for social marketing interventions to encourage economic development for Willing Assimilators (i.e. financially desperate voluntary victims). Global awareness campaigns regarding "trust assessment" would help reduce the incidence rate among the Tricked and Trapped (i.e. lured in and then enslaved). Finally, global social marketing efforts to encourage more effective law enforcement would help reduce incidence among the Trapped and Robbed (i.e. forced and coerced). The differences between the trafficking structures generated by the two datasets may be due to selection bias. For instance, anecdotal evidence suggests prosecutors target cases with the best chances of winning—hence, bias in the UNODC dataset. Similarly, the IOM/Polaris victims who called hotlines or presented at help stations may not represent a random sample of victims.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the Murray et al. (2015) framework of human trafficking situations

·  Define the nine human trafficking victim situations based on the above framework

·  Present and discuss a global frequency distribution of the nine victim situations based on the UNODC coded data

·  Present and discuss a global frequency distribution of the nine victim situations based on the IOM/Polaris data

·  Discuss three possible reasons for the differences between the two frequency distributions

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Social Justice Rapid Response: Engaging Students in Campus Activism

In response to the emerging political climate in the United States, one in which marginalized communities face increasing risks and threats, one Social Work department at a public university in the Midwest developed a Social Justice Rapid Response team to mobilize collective departmental responses to social justice flashpoints. Given our ethical responsibility to pursue social change with and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people, and as a means of promoting social justice, human rights, and respect for diversities, the Rapid Response team organizes on-campus actions to counter immediate social injustices. The Rapid Response team has collaborated with student organizations, academic units from across campus, institutional programs, and community partners to facilitate teach-ins, organize direct actions, host education fairs, coordinate community panels, and arrange coordinated awareness- raising activities. Since its inception in 2017, the Rapid Response team has coordinated six events, including a DACA teach-in, a workshop on responding to white supremacy, a March for Our Lives solidarity vigil, a voter information and education fair, a community panel on sexual assault prevention, and a transgender awareness week. Rapid Response has engaged more than 400 students, faculty, staff, and community members, partnered with more than 20 community organizations, and received coverage in campus and local media outlets. This presentation will provide participants with concrete examples to demonstrate the efficacy of interprofessional on-campus community organizing strategies in social work education, including their application in promoting critical thinking, raising critical consciousness, and engaging students with relevant social and cultural flashpoints.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the role of democratic learning in public institutions of higher education, specifically emphasizing the efficacy of experiential campus organizing activities in raising critical consciousness among students, faculty, and staff across campus

·  Contextualize teach-ins within a critical pedagogical framework, highlighting the effectiveness of democratic learning in promoting critical thinking and collective action among undergraduate and graduate social work students

·  Demonstrate the effectiveness of interprofessional collaboration in creating space for democratic learning, facilitating engagement and dialogue, and fostering community-university partnerships for responding to social injustice

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