The Intersection of Sex Trafficking and the Opioid Crisis

Emily Waters, LCSW, MPA, PhDc & Keith Scott, CASAC-T, MPP | September 20 | 9:00-10:00 AM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner, Intermediate | Location: TBD

Sex trafficking and opioid addiction are growing problems throughout the U.S., with a significant increase in sex trafficking victims reporting opioid use and dependency, initially forced upon them by their traffickers or pimps. Peer reviewed studies have found a direct link with the increase in addiction and the increase in human trafficking, specifically regarding the addiction process in beginning the trauma bond between the trafficking victim and trafficker, resulting in an increase in difficulty for victims to leave their trafficking situation, as now trauma and addiction issues must be addressed. This workshop explores the dynamics of sex trafficking while focusing on the prevalence of trafficking in the U.S., tactics of traffickers, and the role addiction plays in the world of trafficking. In depth analysis of trafficking case studies will be provided.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the intersection of sex trafficking and the opioid epidemic

·  Educate about drugs often used to keep victims in the life

·  Explore the intersectionality of drugs and coercion

About the Presenters