Project NO REST: North Carolina Organizing and Responding to the Exploitation and Sexual Trafficking of Children

D. F. Duncan, PhD | September 20 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Intermediate | Location: Room 3020

This session will present an overview of Project NO REST, a five-year effort funded by the Children’s Bureau and VOCA, and its approach to strengthening and supporting North Carolina’s infrastructure for addressing the trafficking of vulnerable youth in the state, especially those with a child welfare connection. It will cover the project’s development of a comprehensive plan to address both sex and labor trafficking. The presenter will describe the recruitment and experiences of five pilot sites, containing 17 counties, as well as information on the 477 individuals they served in the first two years. He also will describe the outreach campaign to connect survivors to services.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide information on Project NO REST and its plan to address trafficking in North Carolina

·  Articulate the project’s collaborative network approach to address trafficking

·  Describe the operation of five pilot sites and present information on the individuals they served

About the Presenter