Posts tagged 20:2:45
“Except as Punishment for a Crime”: State Constitutions, Slavery, and How our Founding Documents Encourage Oppression

Anti-trafficking advocates routinely petition elected officials to pass and/or amend laws to limit or eliminate various forms of human trafficking. These efforts have had impact within the human rights movement and have gained increasing traction amongst the general population. One segment of human rights abuses prevails however; state sanctioned slavery within the prison system. Many advocates are unaware that the federal constitution and most state constitutions allow for slavery as punishment for a crime. This session uses a mixed methods approach to examine our founding documents and how they allow and encourage state sanctioned slavery. Case studies regarding prisoners used as forced labor will also be presented.  The goal of this presentation is to add information to the human rights movement and to gain momentum to amend state constitutions so as to remove the “except” clause and other oppressive language.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify how founding documents allow for state sanctioned slavery

·  Explain how state constitutions can be amended to remove oppressive language

·  Discuss how prisoners cannot "opt out" of forced labor situations

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Disrupting Labor and Sex Trafficking in Illicit Massage Businesses Through Licensing, Regulation and Collaboration

Awareness of human trafficking in illicit massage businesses (IMBs) is on the rise. The National Human Trafficking Hotline reports IMBs were the number one venue for cases involving sex trafficking in 2018. In 2017, the Polaris Project estimated there were 9,000 IMBs in the United States accounting for an estimated $2.5 billion in annual revenue. This seminar will address how to identify IMBs, the intersection of labor and sex trafficking in IMBs and how routine inspections of IMBs, IMB regulation, and collaboration can help combat human trafficking in IMBs.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss human trafficking in illicit massage businesses

·  Describe how to identify illicit massage businesses

·  Explain the intersection of sex and labor trafficking in illicit massage businesses

·  Discuss the necessity of collaboration for effective disruption of human trafficking in illicit massage businesses

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Involving Key Stakeholders as Partners and Participants in the Process of an International Research Study on Child Sex Trafficking

Whereas stakeholder involvement in policy implementation and service provisions to victims of human trafficking is substantially documented in the literature, there is almost no study on stakeholder input in the process of research on this global problem. Yet, input from stakeholders is critical for most studies about human trafficking. Stakeholders are individuals, organizations, or communities that have some interest or concern in the process and outcomes of a project, program, study, or policy (Brugha & Varvasovszky, 2000). Based on an international research study on child sex trafficking conducted in three countries in the West African region, the presentation examines the key ways stakeholders were successfully engaged in the research process from the preparatory stage to the translational stage, as well as their involvement as respondents in the study. A total of 133 stakeholders from 120 organizations in 13 major categories (international, governmental, non-governmental, community, policymakers, service providers, criminal justice, educators, etc.) were involved in the research process; 64 of these stakeholders were also research participants. The presentation shows how engaging various stakeholders in the key phases of the research helped improve its outcomes, and most important, helped increase the likelihood of acceptance and dissemination of the findings. The presentation discusses cases of programs that have been developed based on the recommendations of the study findings. Recommendations for collaborative initiatives and participatory research are discussed.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe successful strategies to engage stakeholders (international, governmental, non-governmental, community, policymakers, service providers, educators, etc.) in the process of research on human trafficking and as research participants

·  Describe roles stakeholders can play in the key phases of a study on human trafficking, including problem formulation, research design, data collection, and dissemination of study findings, and implementation of study recommendations

·  Discuss key lessons for engaging community partners in program and policy development, and in research about hard-to-reach populations

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Phoenix Starfish Place and How to Set-Up a HUD Section 8 Voucher for Victims of Sex Trafficking

The City of Phoenix, Arizona Starfish Place is a first-of-its-kind HUD funded permanent supportive housing program designed for victims of sex trafficking and their families. This presentation will present a step by step process of how to develop this type of housing program. The presenters will also discuss the lessons learned from implementing a new program. Narratives from focus groups on development and evaluation of the 12 residents will be presented. Challenges and implications will be described, and key take away ideas will be provided.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the step-by-step process of how to develop this type of housing program

·  Describe the lessons learned from implementing this housing program

·  Present the narratives from focus groups on development and evaluation of the 12 residents

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Inter-Generational Parenting Values and its Impact on Child Rearing Practices among Survivors of Sex Trafficking (SST) across 4 Cities in India

Against persistent efforts, Sex Trafficking (ST) perseveres (United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Report, 2018). In India, it’s challenging to understand the dynamics of ST because the country varies in culture, language and religious beliefs based on geographical location. Conventionally, young girls from villages are trafficked to cities in the pretext of employment, education and love (Meshelemiah & Sarkar, 2015), and their family members (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, intimate partners, in-laws) partake in the process (Black, 2007). Upon entry, it is likely that children are born to these adolescent girls as a result of unprotected practices, lack of awareness and desperation to earn. Family processes among ST families are rarely studied and there is limited to no research on how Survivors of ST (SST)/single mothers raise their children. Children born in such circumstances face a heightened risk of ST as they a likely to experience physical abuse, homelessness, unstable home environment and substance abuse (Choi, 2015). Filling this research gap will inform prevention of inter-generational trafficking. Therefore, this study aims to first, identify parenting values among SST; second, examine SST communication patterns in parenting their children; and third, compare inter-generational child rearing practices among SST families. The primary investigator conducted in-person audio recorded interviews with 40 SST across 4 cities in India. Social workers from non-governmental organizations (NGO) acted as gatekeepers to gain access to participants and as translators during the interviews. Results will be discussed and implications for practice, policy and future research will be included. Dr. Rochelle Dalla, Professor at University of Lincoln Nebraska-Lincoln, and Dr. Cody Hollist, Associate Professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, are contributing authors of this presentation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify parenting values among Indian SST

·  Examine SST communication patterns in parenting their children

·  Compare intergenerational child rearing practices among SST

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Community and Boundaries: Building Relationships in the Trauma Informed Care Environment

Therapeutic alliance, rapport, boundaries…terms we have all heard, but how do we create them? How do we foster relationships that have a positive and lasting impact on the treatment experience? Together, we will take a closer look at the importance of the relationship between treatment providers and clients. All of our encounters matter, so the presenter will discuss how to set the stage for helpful connections from the first encounter we have with clients throughout their time in treatment, even in the face of setbacks. The presenter will cover how to build and often re-build therapeutic relationships that are challenged by disappointment, trauma, and shame. Together, we will review the importance of modeling healthy relationships, agency wide, and even between interagency partnerships and how these connections impact on client experience. She will look at practical ways to build rapport while maintaining boundaries, and ways to build a better understanding of how trauma informs building a therapeutic alliance, using kindness, trust, and even humor to bridge the gaps. There will be an opportunity to explore how to best handle disagreements and misunderstandings within the therapeutic relationship. Finally, the presenter will discuss how to terminate a relationship successfully.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Develop understanding of positive relationships as Trauma Informed Care

·  Identify ways to build and model healthy relationships

·  Describe the importance of the therapeutic relationship

·  List ways to develop a positive therapeutic relationship

·  Identify ways to recover from therapeutic relationship challenges

·  Describe personal boundaries and self-care in the therapeutic relationship

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The Colorado Project: Exploring Community-Based Participatory Research in Social Movements

In 2010, Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (LCHT), began a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) process to comprehensively end human trafficking in the state of Colorado. In 2018, LCHT replicated the original methodology by conducting a longitudinal follow-up of the first iteration of The Colorado Project. The research described here is intended to determine ways to measure a social movement’s effort to effect positive social change seeking to end human exploitation. CBPR allows space for locally-lead and informed research endeavors--what the community needs as opposed to academics who may not understand community interests and strengths. This presentation explores how a nonprofit organization deeply embedded in the anti-human trafficking movement can produce original research. Team members employed both purposive and convenience sampling strategies to identify as many agencies and organizations across Colorado involved in anti-human trafficking efforts as possible. They then conducted 29 focus groups, 69 interviews, and received 183 completed surveys to inform the work. The findings identified seven emerging promising practices: 1) Supporting the movement in developing evaluation; 2) Acknowledging root causes; 3) Providing trauma-informed behavioral health resources; 4) Recognizing health professionals as crucial players in protection; 5) Having survivors inform the community response; 6) Problem-solving courts; and 7) Increased intentional and equitable inclusion in partnerships. This presentation will discuss the resulting Action Plan, developed by a diverse group of survivors, practitioners, law enforcement, and advocates as well as key takeaways on how Colorado has moved the needle on anti-trafficking efforts. LCHT plans to replicate this model in other states.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain how CBPR can be used to measure social change

·  Discuss the importance of a community-based and survivor-informed response

·  Provide key takeaways on how Colorado has moved the needle in its anti-trafficking movement

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