Inter-Generational Parenting Values and its Impact on Child Rearing Practices among Survivors of Sex Trafficking (SST) across 4 Cities in India

Jessie Peter, MSc | September 20 | 2:45-3:45 PM

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate, Advanced | Location: Room 2584

Against persistent efforts, Sex Trafficking (ST) perseveres (United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Report, 2018). In India, it’s challenging to understand the dynamics of ST because the country varies in culture, language and religious beliefs based on geographical location. Conventionally, young girls from villages are trafficked to cities in the pretext of employment, education and love (Meshelemiah & Sarkar, 2015), and their family members (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, intimate partners, in-laws) partake in the process (Black, 2007). Upon entry, it is likely that children are born to these adolescent girls as a result of unprotected practices, lack of awareness and desperation to earn. Family processes among ST families are rarely studied and there is limited to no research on how Survivors of ST (SST)/single mothers raise their children. Children born in such circumstances face a heightened risk of ST as they a likely to experience physical abuse, homelessness, unstable home environment and substance abuse (Choi, 2015). Filling this research gap will inform prevention of inter-generational trafficking. Therefore, this study aims to first, identify parenting values among SST; second, examine SST communication patterns in parenting their children; and third, compare inter-generational child rearing practices among SST families. The primary investigator conducted in-person audio recorded interviews with 40 SST across 4 cities in India. Social workers from non-governmental organizations (NGO) acted as gatekeepers to gain access to participants and as translators during the interviews. Results will be discussed and implications for practice, policy and future research will be included. Dr. Rochelle Dalla, Professor at University of Lincoln Nebraska-Lincoln, and Dr. Cody Hollist, Associate Professor in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, are contributing authors of this presentation.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify parenting values among Indian SST

·  Examine SST communication patterns in parenting their children

·  Compare intergenerational child rearing practices among SST

About the Presenter