Posts tagged 22:10:10
‘Women Like You, We Want to Help You’: Examining the Relationship Between Trafficked Persons for Sex and Law Enforcement in New York City

In the US, law enforcement serves as the primary entity in identifying victims of sex trafficking. Scholars and others have questioned why identification of trafficked persons is so low while estimates of trafficking in the US are so high. New York City is a hub for sex trafficking in the US. The contradiction between increasing training and development on the part of law enforcement in NYC and a continued lack of identification of trafficked persons brings to question the nature of the relationship between trafficked persons and law enforcement. Through a series of semi-structured interviews with twenty-two former trafficked persons, this study examines the relationship between trafficked persons and law enforcement in New York City. This relationship manifests in a Victim-Criminal framework and sheds light on why identification of trafficked persons is so low. Findings illustrate that law enforcement’s simplistic perception of sex trafficking, coupled with policies that further marginalize trafficked persons, effectively inhibit the identification of trafficked persons.

Presentation Objectives:

·       To explore theories of why identification of trafficked persons is so low;

·       To outline the role of law enforcement in identifying victims of sex trafficking, focusing specifically on New York City;

·       To describe the Victim-Criminal Framework, which sheds light on the relationship between trafficked persons and law enforcement;

·       To analyze the policies, coupled with law enforcement perceptions, that inhibit the identification of trafficked persons;

·       To present suggested policy and training

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Stop Calling Me an Addict! I'm in Long Term Recovery!

The stigma associated with addiction is so ingrained in our society that it may keep people from getting well. This training will empower people to be proud of their recovery and not shame addiction. Recovery message training helps eliminate barriers to recovery resulting from the stigma and discrimination associated with addiction. This workshop will discuss how as a community we can start advocating for a system of care that supports recovery throughout the individual’s lifespan. This talk will focus on supporting the development of addiction recovery advocates and leadership within the recovery community.

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Connecting Two Worlds: The Intersection of Drug Addiction and the Sex Trade

The drug trade industry is the biggest underground network next to human trafficking. With this commonality, we can see how these two global issues intersect and are closely linked. Contrary to popular belief and media representation not all sex trafficking survivors are dependent on drugs prior to being trafficked. There are several ways drug use intersects with sex trafficking including control, coping, drug purchase/sale, and recruitment. Drug addiction is intrinsically linked to the sex trade, an estimated 40 to 85 percent of people trafficked are engaged in one of the ways drugs intersects with the sex trade (National Center for Biomedical Technology, 2016). Drug addiction and severe mental health problems, including posttraumatic stress disorder are barriers to exiting the sex trade (Valera, Sawyer, & Shiraldi, 2001).


Presentation Objectives:

·         To expose attendees to concepts and terms associated with drugs and the underground commercial sex trade.

·         To increase awareness of the intersects of drug addiction and the sex trade.

·         To discuss and increase knowledge on approaches and resources for trafficked survivors.

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Gangs and Sex Trafficking

Pop culture and social media have portrayed gangs and pimping as "cool". Over the past few years in the United States, criminal gang activity has become a serious problem concurrently with human trafficking, emerging as one of the fastest growing crimes. This presentation will give participants a closer look at gang-motivated sex trafficking cases, gang dynamics, and recruitment/control tactics used by gang members.

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Making a Positive Impact in a Crazy World

This session is for Social Workers, Counselors and those working with the purpose of assisting people with positive change. This session will focus on the importance of establishing positive relationships with populations served. A review of Social Work ethics and incorporating religion and spirituality into the working relationship will be provided. Participants will learn the difference between religion and spirituality, better understand moral conflicts when working with specific populations, and ethical dilemmas in the working relationship.

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Domestic Sexual Exploitation and Post-Traumatic Outcomes

Sex trafficking is a present day reality both internationally and nationally (U.S. Department of State, 2010). Children and adolescents with histories of sexual and physical violence or rape are particularly vulnerable to being trafficked as grooming techniques and violence are used by traffickers in their recruiting repertoire (Alvarez & Alessi, 2012; Clawson, Dutch, Solomon, & Grace, 2009; Hammond & McGlone, 2014). The mental health concerns among human trafficking victims include emotional, behavioral, social, and spiritual ramifications (Clawson, Dutch, Solomon, & Grace, 2009; Hodge, 2014; Zimmerman, Hossain, & Watts, 2011). Despite the myriad of individuals who are trafficked annually within the United States, scant research attention focuses on the sequelae of trauma and subsequent

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Prevention Through Bystander Intervention

Power-based personal violence is not an individual problem; it’s a community concern. Bystander intervention re-frames the focus of prevention; it calls on all of us to make choices that could make a difference in the lives of others. Many know of active bystanders – most recently personified in Carl-Fredrik Arndt and Peter Jonsson – but knowing of them and knowing how to make similar choices are two very different things. This session will be an interactive workshop demonstrating the relevance of bystander intervention as a means of prevention around power-based personal violence including sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual exploitation. Participants will outline obstacles and barriers to intervention, practice safe methods of intervention recognizing those barriers, and discuss observable behaviors that may call for intervention. Participants will also share proactive and reactive means of intervention. Violence in any form is unacceptable. As active bystanders, we have the opportunity to change the culture around violence so that everyone knows it is unacceptable.

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The Use of the Arts in the Field of Mental Health/Trauma

The arts have the potential to be used in various social work contexts: drawings can help individuals open up and engage with the therapist; photographs can facilitate discussion in group work practice; and images can help advocate for various client groups. This presentation will provide an overview of the use of art with social work clients and focus on the use of the arts in healing and catharsis.

One of the presenters is an art therapist who works with mental health consumers/client-artists in Toledo. She has expertise in the use of various visual art mediums in her therapy sessions. This presenter has worked extensively with clients living with serious mental illness such as: Major Depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder, Schizoaffective disorder, Schizophrenia, and Post Traumatic Stress disorder. Many of her clients additionally grapple with substance abuse, trauma, homelessness, and poverty. The art therapist will demonstrate how her techniques have helped client-artists feel hopeful about the future and provide a platform for healing. The other presenter is a self-taught (or “nature-inspired”) artist who has no formal training in the arts. He uses pen-and-ink, acrylics, charcoal, pastels and cameras to explore issues of social and economic justice.

Presentation Objectives:

·         To understand the power of the arts in combating global social justice issues

·         To demonstrate the use of the arts to facilitate catharsis and promote healing

·         To explore the use of images in client advocacy

To generate ideas for using various art forms to engage with diverse clients

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