Posts tagged 11:2:45
Using Clinical Simulation to Educate Student Nurses about Human Trafficking

        Approximately 50% of victims of human trafficking in the USA are seen by health care personnel at least once. However, most healthcare personnel fail to recognize the signs of trafficking and do nothing to intervene. Sabella (2011) challenged nurse educators to incorporate awareness of human trafficking into teaching/learning activities in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.
       Although many student nurses have some awareness of human trafficking, they are uncertain of the role of the nurse when the patient is may also be a victim of human trafficking. To remedy this deficit, clinical simulation could be used to raise awareness of human trafficking and the role of the nurse. Clinical simulation provides a means to supplement clinical experiences and guarantee exposure to clinical situations deemed as critical experiences. As no clinical simulation that integrated a victim of human trafficking as the patient was identified, the presenter developed and implemented such a simulation into the BSN curriculum.
       It is recommended that this simulation be adapted for use in other healthcare academic programs or health care institutions. Participation in this learning activity provides a means to help prepare healthcare personnel to interact with a patient who is also a victim of human trafficking.


1)       Appreciate the importance of integrating information about human trafficking into healthcare education programs;

Understand how a clinical simulation could be used as an educational modality to raise awareness of human trafficking

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Understanding Trauma and its Impact on a Person’s Life

When working with human trafficking victims it is important to have an understanding of trauma and the impact it has on a person’s life. It is important to develop the ability to work with people through a trauma and culturally sensitive lens. Join the presenters as they define trauma; explore the different definitions related to trauma; give examples of the impact trauma has in our community; and present information about community resources.
1) Participants will be able to define trauma and how it differs from everyday stress.
2) Participants will have an understanding of the different definitions related to trauma: Complex trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) etc.
3) Participants will have an increased understanding of the magnitude of trauma in the community and across the country and be provided with relevant statistics and data.
4) Participants will be presented with a case example that will highlight all of the learning from the session and give a deeper understanding of the impact of trauma on the person as they walk through the various systems.
5) Participants will be informed of the importance of trauma informed care when working with victims. They will gain knowledge of community resources; learn what questions to ask when seeking trauma specific care; and be able to identify a trauma informed approach and services.

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International Human Trafficking: A Global Disaster

Human trafficking is an epidemic that has taken the world by storm. In efforts to understand the complex issues surrounding human trafficking, commonalities have been identified. However, relevant differences among international populations must be illuminated for more effective and successful strategic efforts to combat this epidemic can be designed. Cultural and religious aspects affect the degree to which human trafficking has visibility or lack thereof, import and export of victims, law enforcement practices and policy development or lack thereof. Understanding the differences can only increase knowledge and further the movement to end human trafficking. The audience take away will be understanding specific trends that are culturally related in international settings, and what problems they present in ending human trafficking.

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Child Prostitution and its Links with Child Trafficking and Mobility in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger: A Comparative Summary of 3 Study Reports

The presentation is based on three analogous studies on child prostitution in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. A mixed research method--quantitative and qualitative--was used to collect data from child participants and organization representatives. A convenience sample of individuals involved in prostitution, 261 girls in Benin, 243 girls in Burkina Faso, and 205 children including 192 girls and 13 boys in Niger, participated in the research. These studies established the profile and characteristics of children in prostitution, in West Africa. Recommendations were made to improve the mechanisms of prevention, protection and rehabilitation of children in prostitution. This international research, the first to be conducted on child prostitution in the West African region, provides substantial information on the phenomenon in major cities as well as small ones in the context of the region and documents several important aspects of the living conditions of the target population. Implications for policies, practice and research are discussed. Although not generalizable, the research findings challenge some global concepts on child prostitution. ECPAT France and ECPAT Luxembourg, members of ECPAT International, commissioned the three studies as part of their program PACTES to fight commercial sexual exploitation of children in the West African region.

1) Learn how cultural, social and economic environments shape child prostitution practices in West Africa

2) Gain an understanding of the connection between child prostitution and migration in the region

3) Explore challenges for assistance to children in prostitution in the region.

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GIFT: A Novel Evidenced-based Probation Model for Women on Probation for Prostitution Related Offenses

Gaining Independence for Females in Transition (GIFT) project was developed by a multi-jurisdictional team from corrections, research, and community agencies in response to community concerns about prostitution in Minneapolis. GIFT is probation. Here the presenters describe the model and present data from their recently concluded study that shows that GIFT is successful in reducing recidivism by working with women to improve their life circumstances while on probation. GIFT was designed using research on prostitution, gender responsive corrections and practices in community court. The core components of GIFT involve a specific model of authority to shape the role of each system partner, intentional service delivery through support, non-judgment and respect, and the use of an actuarial assessment tool to target individual case-planning and intervention in partnership with each woman. Based on four years of evaluation data using a quasi-experimental design, the presenters found that GIFT reduces recidivism for prostitution-related offenses and that it leads to life improvements for women who complete their probation. While this model is embedded in probation practice, they believe many of the core components are transferable to other types of programming for women in prostitution.
1) Understand the core components of a new, successful model for reducing prostitution recidivism by working with women to improve their life circumstances;
2) Explore ways this model may be applicable to other types of prostitution-related programming;
3) Learn about a quasi-experimental research design to evaluate effectiveness of this program

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The Hunting Ground

From the team behind THE INVISIBLE WAR, comes a startling documentary of rape crimes on U.S. campuses, institutional cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families. Weaving together footage and first-person testimonies, the film follows survivors as they pursue their education while fighting for justice.

A brief talk-back will be held immediately following the film. Information will be provided on how to report an incident at UT and where victims and survivors can find support.

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