Posts tagged 10:9:00
Reclaiming the Siren as Heroine: The Power of Myth, Art and Ritual to Heal from Sexual Trauma

Numerous women in our culture have experienced shame, degradation, and despair as a result of having been sexually traumatized early in life. Some women end up in unhappy marriages or abusive relationships; some fall prey to a variety of addictions, silently or publicly; and some end up working as activists, social workers or sex workers. For many, these paths converge and cross. And for many other women, their situations—and the reasons that have brought them there—are secrets that have no voice.

This workshop will provide information on healing sexual trauma through myth, art, and metaphor. It will also outline steps into building solidarity with others in order to enhance the personal and collective voice of oppressed girls and women. There is a huge need to understand the complexities that underscore our human trafficking movements, and to build camaraderie with sex worker activism. The united voice that understands the roots and history of patriarchal thought and violence against women is far stronger than the lone voice. It is through deeper understanding of the interplay of race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status that we can begin to address the roots of the problems that we face, and find solutions through collective work and consciousness shifts. Participants will gain insights and practice into using transformative elements and skills that convert personal story and pain into art, ritual, and inclusive power.

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Developing Rapport During Forensic Interviews with Adolescents: A Review of Evidence-Based Practices

One of the most challenging issues in combating human trafficking is working with adolescent victims of sex trafficking. Lawn force meant and medical personnel often do not recognize them as victims, and no national standard exist on how to conduct initial forensic interviews. Police and prosecutors indicate that conducting this initial interview properly is critical to identifying these victims, prosecuting their predators, and assisting them in their recovery.


Most evidence – based work on forensic interviewing has given attention to cognitive issues involving the ability to recall events. Particularly with adolescent victims of sex trafficking, motivational issues may adversely affect their willingness to report events to authorities. In this talk, I will review the body of research on rapptor building during forensic interviews. I will highlight what we know, what we do not now, and what we need to know in order to create evidence based interviewing practices. While studies have begun to investigate rapptor building, few experimental studies exist. No scientific studies exist to date to provide guidelines for rapport building with adolescents suspected of being involved in sex trafficking. I will conclude by making recommendations for research and practice during forensic interviews with possible victims of trafficking

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Pathways Model to Improve Birth Outcomes of Low Income Women

Ohio ranks 50th in African American infant mortality. One risk factor for infant want Tallardy is low birth weight. African-American woman or more than twice as likely to deliver a low birth weight baby compared to a Caucasian woman. However, into thousand 13 and 2014, African-American woman in rolled in the pathways program in Lucas county had a low birth rate of 9.5%, much lower than the overall rate for African Americans in Lucas county (13.2% in 2013) and statewide (13.4% in 2013). This presentation will focus on the Pathways Model and educate the audience on how to both implement and advocate for the Pathways Model to be used in their community.

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2015Firas NasrJan Ruma10:9:00
Breaking Free From the cycle of Oppression: A Universal Journey to Self-Actualization Told Through One Woman’s Story

As an African American woman, raised in a low income and crime ridden environment, LaShanna Alfred has endured many hardships. LaShanna was an only child raised by her grandmother and surrounded by unscrupulous men. At the age of 2 her mother was murdered. Four years later, her father’s life was also taken by murder. She grew up in a family that would cover for her and excuse whatever behavior she offered to the world. She witnessed family members exploiting women through prostitution and abuse with little compassion, except for monetary gain. This led to an unhealthy self-image and a distorted view of women’s value in the world. Without positive role models in my formative years, LaShanna became a student of my environment, learning the lessons of survival. Finally incarcerated for trafficking drugs in a 3rd world country, pregnant and hopeless, she adopted new lessons to change her life. Now 13 years later, LaShanna has a master’s degree, published two books, is a Clinical Director of a program, teaches at a university, and facilitates women’s empowerment groups. She has learned the art of self-empowerment to break free from the cycle of internalized oppression. This talk will focus on those life lessons that are universal for any woman wanting to break free from her oppression and understand her value, fulfill their God given destiny, and self-actualize. All will learn to live by choice, and not circumstance.

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Human Trafficking 101

This session is most appropriate for those new to the field of human trafficking and provides a basic overview and refresher of human trafficking. From an American perspective, presenters will focus on both domestic and foreign trafficking as well as labor and sex trafficking occurring in the United States. Estimates on the number of victims, their experiences, the indicators for victim identification, the business of trafficking, where and how to report suspected trafficking, and the importance of accountability of customers and traffickers will be discussed.

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Understanding the Therapeutic Roles of Animals in Trauma Recovery

Social, emotional, physical, and psychological human benefits of human-animal interaction are well-documented. Within this presentation, these human-animal interaction benefits are reviewed and the roles through which companion animals can help convey these benefits and help facilitate trauma recovery are delineated.

Specifically, the following roles are defined and differentiated between:

  • companion animals
  • emotional support pets
  • service animals 
  • animal-assisted activities
  • animal-assisted therapy

For each role designation, the types of client trauma recovery-related needs that can be met are explicated, as well as pathways through which clients may be able to access such companion animal supports. 


  1. Attendees will be able to identify at least three potential benefits of the human-animal bond for individuals who interact with companion animals. 
  2. Attendees will be able to define and differentiate between the following designations: "companion animal" ; "service dog" ; "emotional support pet" ; "animal assisted activities" ; and "animal assisted therapy"
  3. Attendees will be able to identify and differentiate which kinds of client needs could be met by each of the different companion animal role designations. 
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2015Firas NasrJanet Hoy10:9:00