Posts tagged 10:11:30
Sharing the Message of Human Trafficking: Roles and Responsibilities

Awareness and media coverage of human trafficking has increased substantially in the last decade causing an unprecedented number of people desirous to engage in efforts to combat human trafficking (Countryman-Roswurm, 2015). While most involved in the anti-trafficking movement are well intentioned, often times the behaviors and actions undertaken by these allies are harmful to the very survivors they are trying to serve (Countryman-Roswurm, 2015; Douglas, 2013; Lloyd, 2013; Smith, 2014). Within the anti-trafficking movement, more and more survivors are being used as propaganda. They are asked to share their stories in the media in order to raise funds or awareness with little thought to the effects of reliving the trauma and the significant impact this may have on the post-traumatic stress disorder most survivors deal with (Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, 2011; Chicago Taskforce on Violence Against Girls and Young Women, 2012). In addition, rather than being recognized and/or compensated as experts and leaders in the anti-trafficking movement, survivors are being taken advantage of in the pursuit of a story that has emotional pull (Countryman-Roswurm, 2015; Douglas, 2013; Lloyd, 2013; Smith, 2014). Presenters will discuss ways in which media portrayals of survivor’s stories and the portrayal of human trafficking as a whole can be both harmful and beneficial. Presenters will also provide guidelines and best practices for sharing the message of human trafficking in a manner that does not exploit survivors but rather empowers and puts their needs first.
1) Explore the harmful and exploitive practices used by media, service providers, and advocacy groups to share the message of human trafficking.
2) Understand the risks of asking a survivor to share their story.
3) Learn practical tips to share the message of human trafficking in a manner that empowers and respects each survivor’s unique story and healing journey.

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The Correlation Between Stockholm Syndrome and the “Bottom Girl” Training/Workshop “The Bottom Girl; Is She the Perpetuator or the Victim?”

This workshop will explore the correlation between Stockholm syndrome and victims of sex trafficking. Specifically, the correlation between Stockholm syndrome and the “bottom girl”. What could this mean for how we legally and ethically treat “bottom girls”? 
Stockholm syndrome is a phenomenon in psychology that describes the unnatural behavior of a victim towards his/her captor or aggressor. The Stockholm syndrome usually develops out of “traumatic bonding”, which forms from the “strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other” (Dutton, 1981).
Individuals, usually known as “girls”, trapped in trafficking rings controlled by pimps, often referred to as “stables”, are controlled, in large part, by fear and the direct aggressive behavior of the pimp. Over time, these “girls” generally become physically and mentally attached towards their pimp. The desire to please their captor and earn his favor is often a strong motivation for a girl to work harder, comply more, and even help coerce and incite other girls to work for the pimp.
The existence of the “bottom girl” position actually helps to prove the main points of Stockholm Syndrome. The forced bond influences the girl so strongly that she makes the conscious choice to attempt to obtain this position in an effort to develop a closer bond with her captor.


1)       Raise basic awareness about the correlation between Stockholm syndrome and victims caught in sex trafficking and exploitation, particularly “bottom girls”.

2)       Discuss the relationship between the pimp/trafficker and the “girls” in his “stable” as well as the hierarchy among these girls.

3)       Attendees will learn about research findings regarding the coercion and power dynamics between a pimp and/or trafficker over his victims.

Case studies will be presented, allowing for participants to further examine the correlation between victims of trafficking and Stockholm syndrome.
Interactive discussion will be encouraged.

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Targeting Poverty: Risk of Trafficking Among Women and Children in India

In a developing country like India, poverty becomes one of the main causes for being trafficked. Especially, for women and children who end up in prostitution and/or organ trading in other countries.  Poverty creates a big scope of vulnerability among them for being trafficked. Allurement of overseas jobs, attempt to avoid sexual and physical abuse at home, poverty and forced labor are the key reasons of for human trafficking. Source? Wherever there is poverty, there is likely supply to meet the growing demand for sexual entertainment. India is a country, where the trafficking of women and children occurs frequently and acts as a source, destination and transit point. At least 225,000 women and children are trafficked from the region every year. It also causes the brunt of countless negative physical and mental health outcomes.


1)       Explore the relationship between poverty and trafficking in women and children. Including, the various forms of violence they have to face after being trafficked.

2)       Analyze the major routes, destinations and forms of trafficking in women and children in India? As it has been observed poor helpless families and tribal societies have become the main target group of traffickers.

Understand human trafficking violates the freedom of a person and it is against human rights. It has many forms and the modus operandi vary from countries and destinations.

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Coalition Building and Consciousness Raising to End Human Trafficking & Prostitution

Dr. Mulk and Roma Raj will be sharing their humble experiences as Indian Healers (based in New Delhi, India) and experience working on coalition building with American health workers for finding ways to eliminate the problems of human trafficking and prostitution.
(the sentence before can be shared in the presentation)  In a recent report on social justice and determinants of health, the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that because of social inequities, it will take international efforts and massive political will to improve the health conditions of much of the world's population (2000). This presentation will discuss the word HEALTH as our objective and further analyze the adverse impact of human trafficking and prostitution on humanity. A focus on how pooling our resources together on a universal level and coalition building raises consciousness so we can muster a force to awaken humanity.

       Sexually transmitted diseases are not limited to HIV and Aids but genital herpes can be passed on just by skin contact without any intercourse. The American Center for Disease control (CDC) reported in 2000 that 45 million Americans (one in every six) are infected with genital herpes.
With support from the Bill Gates Foundation, CD's in every language of the world should reach vulnerable youth in the next two years with the goal to educate growing kids who are at risk of getting engaged in traps of the traffickers.

1) Increase understanding of the importance of universal (international) team work for coalition building and consciousness raising.
2) To explore strategies for reducing hate, ego, and violence as obstacles to coalition building and consciousness raising.
3) To chart course of action for key stone education, social justice, and will to share globally.

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The Role of Occupational Therapy in Human Trafficking

This presentation seeks to inform participants of the possibilities for successful interventions using occupational therapy frameworks to treat survivors and combat human trafficking.


1)       Participants will be able to identify basic principles and philosophy of occupational therapy.

2)       Participants will be able to identify specific needs of victims and survivors of human trafficking.

3)       Participants will be able to identify potential roles of occupational therapy to treat survivors and combat human trafficking.

The profession of occupational therapy has an extensive history of improving the lives of individuals affected by various types of trauma. Occupational therapy practitioners frequently provide client centered care to populations with similar needs as survivors of human trafficking. Occupational therapy research shows effective intervention with musculoskeletal and psychological diagnoses, traumatic brain injury, and domestic violence using occupation based treatment strategies. The domain of occupational therapy involves improving engagement and performance in daily life activities to positively impact health, wellbeing, and personal satisfaction (AOTA, 2014). Occupational therapy can play a unique role in the prevention, advocacy, and treatment of survivors of human trafficking. Occupational therapists can help combat human trafficking by providing individualized trauma specific intervention using occupation based techniques; consultation services to improve organizational outcomes; improve and/or develop programming for survivors; and further develop and investigate trauma specific interventions.

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Phoenix 1st Step: A Pop-Up Drop in Center for Persons in Prostitution

This presentation will describe the development and implementation of a one-day pop-up drop in center for persons with histories of or current involvement in prostitution. Twenty-three organizations and over a hundred people volunteers their services and thousands of dollars of donations were received to support the project held two weeks before Super Bowl 2015. A marketing strategy was developed and implement throughout the community. Thirty-four clients attended the event including 12 youth under the age of 18. Lessons learned and future program plans will be discussed along with an outline of how to implement the event in other communities.

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