Human Trafficking 101
Amy LaGesse, MA | September 18 | 9:45-10:45 am
Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Beginner
This presentation will begin with defining sex and labor trafficking according to federal and state laws. Legislation related to the age of the human trafficking survivor will be reviewed as well as the obligations of mandated reporters. The Action, Means, Purpose Model will be shared along with details of who is recruiting trafficking survivors. Red flags and indicators of sex and labor trafficking will be discussed as well as how and where these types of trafficking can occur. Recruiters, customers, and traffickers and their roles “in the game” will be shared along with myths regarding “anybody can be trafficked.” Grooming practices will be shared along with a discussion of Stockholm syndrome. Myths will be reviewed about what is considered sex trafficking, labor trafficking, or both. The National Human Trafficking Hotline will be featured throughout the presentation. The presenter will define familial trafficking and who plays important roles in this type of trafficking. Online trafficking and protecting youth online will be discussed. Different types of apps, games, social media sites, the age of survivors, and their role in being trafficked will be reviewed as well as things parents can do to protect their youth from traffickers. Attendees will learn the basics regarding human trafficking and the importance traffickers place on building a relationship with their victims. Attendees will be able to go back to their communities and ensure that others receive training and can identify survivors.
Presentation Objectives:
• Provide an overview of human trafficking focusing on sex and labor trafficking
• Describe signs of trafficking and the indicators of trafficking
• Explain why victims might not seek help and how everyone can join in anti-human trafficking efforts