Human Trafficking 101

Amy LaGesse, MA | September 20 | 9:45-10:45 am

Topic: Conceptual| Knowledge Level: Beginner

This presentation will include discussions of different types of trafficking, including definitions and models to help participants understand what trafficking is and how to identify if trafficking is occurring. Some international, national, and statewide statistics will be included, but vulnerabilities, exploitation, and relationship building will be the main focus of how traffickers recruit and keep victims engaged. Myths regarding human trafficking will be discussed as well as at-risk populations and demand. Social media and its role in human trafficking will be presented as well as a discussion of assessments that are currently being used in the field to identify survivors. Finally, resources to assist survivors will be presented, including how participants can join the fight in their respective regions.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Explain the federal and state definition of human trafficking

·  Present the Action, Means, Purpose model

·  Explain trafficking myths and what role social media plays in trafficking

·  Discuss resources to assist survivors and how individuals can join the fight to end human trafficking

About the Presenter