Tools from a Survivor’s Perspective: Healing from Familial Sex Trafficking

Anjela Glueckert, BA | September 21 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Awareness about sex trafficking is widening, but mostly only via scientific research of trafficking data and statistics. Voices of survivors trafficked by family members, especially Sadistic Ritual Abuse (SRA) survivors, remain silenced. Missing is the survivor’s perspective, as they hold so much wisdom for their healing. As a familial sex trafficking survivor, Anjela was motivated to create her own healing toolbox. In fact, this continues to be a major obstacle as she heals, as fewer therapists have knowledge or understanding of this family-based trauma. The strongest trauma healing practices center the survivor, emphasizing their need for ongoing healing tools. Additionally, it must be prioritized how to offer support as survivors embark on their lifelong trauma healing journey. Those who are supporting familial trafficking survivors, both personally and professionally, and are curious and asking, “What tools can they offer me?” are invited to attend this workshop (but don’t forget to listen). When you start to embrace more intentionally the survivor's perspective, you’ll be amazed and inspired by all those who reach out to help YOU to help THEM heal.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Identify the needs of family sex trafficking survivors

·  Increase awareness of SRA family sex trafficking

·  Assist attendees to create their toolbox to support family sex trafficking survivors

About the Presenter