The Survivor's Journey: A Trauma-Focused Group Experience for Survivors

Celia Williamson, PhD, MSW | September 21 | 11:15 am-12:15 pm

Topic: Programming, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Advanced

When victims of child abuse, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or sex trafficking are identified, we know trauma has occurred and internal recovery work from trauma is needed (CDC, 2022). However, few professionals know how to effectively respond (National Institute of Health). This session will focus on providing information on trauma, triggers, trauma-informed care, and trauma-focused care to help clients heal through The Survivor’s Journey. Participants will learn the twelve internal and external journeys clients should travel through that moves them from victim, to survivor, to thriver.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide participants with information on trauma and the effects of trauma

·  Discuss the importance of trauma-informed work

·  Define trauma-focused work and explain the difference between informed and focused work

·  Present the components needed to move victims to survivors and to thrivers

About the Presenter