Meet the Artists & Authors: “The Story of Foster Care | Volume 2”

Betty Beatty; Sarah Chambers, MSW, LCSW; Miriam Cobb & Khalila Riga | September 20 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Experience, Art | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

In The Story of Foster Care vol. 1, audiences were invited into the intricate world of foster care as told by former foster youth, foster parents, and caseworkers. In this sequel work, viewers will see the perspectives of individuals who experienced both foster care and human trafficking, individuals who work at organizations supporting their healthy exit from trafficking, and from child-welfare professionals who see the connections. This gallery is a collection of photos and stories that illustrate the foster care system’s connection to the world of human trafficking. The intersection is not as simple as we perceive it. Join Empty Frames Initiative for a conversation panel with the artists and authors of this work as they discuss the evolution of their understanding of this topic, their takeaways from the gallery and book's creation, and their hopes for people working in this field. There will be the opportunity for audience members to ask questions to the panelists. Viewers will have the opportunity to hear from survivors, anti-trafficking professionals, and child-welfare workers on the intersection of foster care and human trafficking. They will learn from each panelist the joys and struggles of taking ownership of your story. Then, they will have the chance to safely submit questions that will be reviewed by a moderator in real time.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the collaborative work and its impact on the authors/artists

·  Explain what steps were taken to help engage everyone authentically and ethically

·  Give authors/artists the opportunity to share what they believe people should know about the intersection of foster care & human trafficking

About the Presenters