Training Survivors to Help Other Survivors

Debbie Lassiter, DDiv & Desirae Casarez | September 20 | 1:45-2:45 pm

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

We are often challenged to create programs and services incorporating survivor leaders. We want to show respect and opportunities for those with the lived experience of human trafficking. These individuals are often very effective at helping others with similar experiences. Lived experience is invaluable but it doesn’t guarantee success in these endeavors. What do you do if the person has a desire to assist but hasn’t healed enough to do so without being retraumatized? How can we give ourselves, survivors, and their peers a better chance at success? We need to have a fluid plan as we move forward. This session will provide some insight into the challenges and successes of developing these programs. The service provider perspective will be provided from someone that interacts with the desired population on a daily basis. Learn how this program was developed and how it is working now. The program was developed with survivor input and leadership. The lived experience expert will share the challenges, rewards, and successes of being involved. How is it impacting the community at large? Could it work in your area? The willingness to help must come with a clear and open mindset along with the skill and tools to reach success.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss ways to train survivors to help other survivors

·  Identify challenges for survivor leaders

·  Describe pitfalls to peer-to-peer programming

·  Present perspectives from a lived experience expert on peer-to-peer work

About the Presenters