A Walk-Through Child Trafficking Intervention Approaches in “Hotspot” Zones in Ghana

Isaac Arthur, MSc & Crispin Rakibu Mbamba, MSc | September 23 | 11:45 am-12:45 pm

Topic: Research, International | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Communities around the Volta River, major mining sites, and cocoa farming areas in Ghana are considered labor trafficking-hotspot zones for children (Koomson et al., 2022). Thousands of children are trafficked into these communities daily. This study explored the experiences of practitioners involved in child trafficking interventions in the “zoned” areas on the practical they are able to successfully identify traffickers and rescue victims in a culturally sensitive way. The study sought to answer two main questions: What strategies are used to identify and rescue trafficked children? What immediate actions do practitioners take when child victims of trafficking are rescued? Evidence was gathered from fifteen experts in Ghana by means of semi-structured qualitative interviews. Narratives were analyzed thematically following reflexive thematic analysis procedures. Expert opinions were constantly sought throughout data analysis. The study identified three inter-locking culturally sensitive approaches used to rescue and protect victims of trafficking in Ghana: 1) community engagements and participatory efforts, 2) the use of private investigators, and 3) the provision of after-care support to rescued children through placing them in care homes where they are prepared for reunification with their families. Despite the robustness of these intervention techniques, the findings revealed that there are still challenges of acute family poverty, cultural practices like fosterage and trokosi, and lack of knowledge on trafficking which stand in the way of reaching the prevention and protection mandate of trafficking. The study concludes with some policy and practice implications and suggestions for further studies in Ghana.


Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of the study, main questions, and methodology

·  Present findings on child trafficking intervention approaches in Ghana

·  Discuss the structural and systemic challenges that hinder effective child trafficking interventions in Ghana

About the Presenters