Posts in 2021
Suzanne Murphy, CYCW

Suzanne Murphy is the co-chair of the coalition against the sexual exploitation of youth (CASEY) and a child and youth care worker. Having been engaged with the coalition's work for over three years, Suzanne is passionate and highly knowledgeable about the nuances of engaging people with lived experience.

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Amnesty Cornelius, MHE

Amnesty Cornelius is the coordinator for the coalition against the sexual exploitation of youth (CASEY), housed by Thrive. CASEY brings together stakeholders, community members, and experiential voices to create action on this issue in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Amnesty hopes to reduce dichotomies within this work.

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Robert Mundy, LSW

Robert Mundy has spent seven years working in community mental health serving refugees, victims of trafficking, children recovering from trauma, young people recovering from psychosis, and children in the adoption process.

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Karie McGuire, DSW, LCSW, CHES

Karie McGuire has spent most of her career working with individuals suffering from trauma: human trafficking, loss, or interpersonal violence. She has presented at national conferences and published on the subject of complex trauma and human trafficking. Also, she continues to lecture part-time at Rutgers.

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Heather Evans, DSW, LCSW

Dr. Heather Evans is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private group counseling practice in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania. She has extensive training and experience with women's issues, particularly sexual trauma, sex trafficking and aftercare of its victims. Heather is Co-founder and Vice Chair of VAST (Valley Against Sex Trafficking) Coalition in Pennsylvania.

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Ariel Otruba, PhD

Ariel Otruba teaches at Moravian College and holds a PhD in Geography from Rutgers University. Her scholarly interests include gender, mobility, and border violence. Dr. Otruba uses her expertise as a feminist political geographer and conflict resolution specialist to support anti-trafficking advocacy for Valley Against Sex Trafficking (VAST).

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Tashina Khabbaz, BS, MEd

Tashina Khabbaz is a doctoral student at Lehigh University in the Department of Educational Leadership. She is the Educational Specialist for an anti-trafficking organization Valley Against Sex Trafficking. Her research interests target racial inequality within sex trafficking and sex trafficking preparation and response within the K-12 sector.

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Jenny Footle

Jenny Footle is a survivor leader originally from Oklahoma, who has made Colorado her home. She has been teaching various kinds of dance and fitness since 2008 and has been working with survivors of exploitation and the organizations that support them for over a decade, including 7 years in Denver. Jenny started Beautiful Feet Wellness, an organization that helps survivors find a healthy lifestyle through fitness and wellness.

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Madelaine Lawrence, PhD, MSN, RN

Madelaine Lawrence is a researcher, author, educator, hypnotherapist, and education director of a nursing CE website. She is also the author of five books and journal articles. Her recent article describes the impact of a human trafficking CE course. Her latest novel describes how a Nurse Director of an ED helps trafficked victims.

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Elynne Greene, MA

Elynne Greene is currently manager of Victim Services and Human Trafficking at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and Coordinator of the Southern Nevada Human Trafficking Task Force. She has been working in the field of interpersonal violence since 1974 and has been involved with human trafficking since 2005.

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Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, MSW, PhD

Dominique Roe-Sepowitz is an Associate Professor at the Arizona State University School of Social Work and the director of the ASU Office of Sex Trafficking Intervention Research. She is also the Clinical Director of Phoenix Starfish Place, a permanent housing program for sex trafficking women and their children.

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Frances Carr

Frances Carr is a survivor of homelessness and domestic minor sex trafficking. She is an advocate in the anti-trafficking movement and believes that connecting with and valuing each person as both an individual and as part of a group is key to recovery!

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Lindsey R. Mossor, Esq

Lindsey Mossor is the Anti-Human Trafficking attorney for Philadelphia's Nationalities Service Center. Lindsey assists immigrant human trafficking survivors file T-Visas and connect with supportive services. Previously, Lindsey represented child victims of sex trafficking, and was a Peace Corps volunteer with the Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

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Isabella Valencia

Isabella Valencia is a first-generation undergraduate student majoring in Public Health at the University of South Florida. She is a research assistant working alongside Dr. McCracken on Sex Work, Trafficking, and Policy in New Zealand Research.

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Abigail Walston

Abigail Walston is an undergraduate student majoring in Health Sciences and Psychology at the University of South Florida. She is a research assistant working with Dr. McCracken on Sex Work, Trafficking, and Policy in New Zealand Research.

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Daniela Rodriguez

Daniela Rodriguez is an undergraduate student in the Health Sciences program with a concentration in biological health science at the University of South Florida. She is one of Dr. McCracken’s research assistants and is currently working on the Sex Work, Trafficking, and Policy in New Zealand Research.

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Jill McCracken, PhD

Dr. Jill McCracken is Professor of English and Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of South Florida and the Co-Director of Sex Workers Outreach Program (SWOP) Behind Bars, an organization that supports incarcerated sex workers and victims of trafficking. Her research focuses on sex work and trafficking in the sex industry.

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Tammy Nelson, MSW, RSW

Tammy Nelson is a social worker, and PhD student in the faculty of social work. Mrs. Nelson has dedicated her life’s work to addressing the sexual exploitation of children and youth from front line child welfare abuse investigations to overseeing safety by locating homes for exploited youth.

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Steve Mentrek, MA

Steve Mentrek is a Program Director at Bittersweet Farms. He completed his studies at Slippery Rock University and has his master’s in Recreation Therapy and Leisure Administration from the University of Toledo. Steve has over 15 years of experience assisting individuals with developmental disabilities.

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