Posts in 2021
Dan Huesman, MSW, LISW

Dan Huesman is an experienced mental health clinician in the Toledo community. He is currently involved in an innovative program preventing incarceration and providing case management and mental health/addiction treatment early in criminal justice involvement. Dan has utilized his years of connection with the community health system to coordinate the mental health exhibits for the IHTSJC for the past 5 years.

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2021Anna SchrammDan Huesman
Megan Kraner, MSW, LSW

Meg Kraner is a social worker in Georgia who has been intimately involved in survivor-led art performance as an intern and consultant for Issue Box Theatre. She has coordinated the art exhibits for the IHTSJC for the past-two years and continues to co-chair the art committee for the conference.

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Heather M. Sloane PhD, LISW

Dr. Heather Sloane is the founder of Fearless Writers, which is a creative writing mentoring program with members from local Toledo high schools and interprofessional students from the University of Toledo. This project is involved in participatory action research using autoethnographic and cultural history method. In the past year, students have been writing creatively about the history of Black neighborhoods, artists, writers, and activists from Toledo.

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2021Anna SchrammHeather Art
Michelle Munro-Kramer, PhD, CNM, FNP-BC

Dr. Michelle Munro-Kramer is an Assistant Professor, the Suzanne Bellinger Feetham Professor of Nursing, and the Director of Global Programs at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Her work focuses on prevention and interdisciplinary responses to different forms of gender-based violence, including human trafficking, both domestically and internationally.

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Quincy C. Miller, MA

Quincy Miller is a doctoral candidate at the University of Toledo with a focus in forensic psychology and minor in statistics. Her research investigates memory for trauma and disclosure of child maltreatment. Quincy's work is published in several books and peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Human Trafficking.

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Adrienne Elhai, PhD

Adrienne Elhai is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Director of Cullen Center at ProMedica Russell Ebeid Children’s Hospital. She is one of the founders and continues as a member of the advisory board for the Lucas County Trauma Informed Care Coalition.

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Elijah Jones, MSW, LISW-S

Elijah Jones is the Manager of Treatment Services with the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Lucas County. He is an advisory board member of the Lucas County Trauma Informed Care Coalition and a co-chair for the Social Justice Subcommittee under the Human Relations Commission.

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Melissa Serafin, MA

Melissa Serafin is a Research Associate with Wilder Research. Her research and evaluation interests include wellbeing and mental health, their reciprocal relationships with social determinants, and how policies and programs can be designed to positively and equitably benefit population wellbeing.

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Lindsay Turner, JD

Lindsay Turner is a Research Associate with Wilder Research. Her research and evaluation focus is on the social conditions where safety thrives and on the programs and systems that respond when harm occurs. She has been a part of the Safe Harbor evaluation team since 2017.

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Jory Catalpa, PhD

Jory Catalpa is the Safe Harbor Program Evaluator for the Minnesota Department of Health and works with multidisciplinary teams to evaluate the integrated response to youth trafficking and exploitation. Jory received their PhD from the University of Minnesota, specializing in evaluation and research design and instrumentation validation.

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Caroline Palmer, JD

Caroline Palmer is the Safe Harbor Director at the Minnesota Department of Health. Her focus is on building cross-disciplinary collaboration across government and private sectors on behalf of survivors of sex and labor trafficking. She is responsible for policy development, grantee oversight, project management, and data/evaluation management.

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Kelsey Vice, MSW, LSW

Kelsey Vice is a social worker with the Hamilton County Public Defender Juvenile Division. She assists on cases involving Safe Harbor diversion and human trafficking. Ms. Vice attended trainings focused on human trafficking prevention/identification. She also assisted in writing an Amicus Brief regarding Ohio’s application of Safe Harbor.

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2021Anna SchrammKelsey Vice
Caitlin J. Burgess, JD

Caitlin Burgess is a Team Leader/Training Coordinator at the Hamilton County Public Defender Juvenile Division. A focus of Ms. Burgess’ caseload and local presentations involve safe harbor diversion. Ms. Burgess is a recipient of the Albion College Distinguished Young Alumni Award for her work with juvenile human trafficking victims.

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Elizabeth Ranade Janis, MPP

For 15+ years, Elizabeth Ranade Janis has managed government and non-profit organizations’ efforts to combat human trafficking in the U.S. and internationally. She led the Governor’s Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force efforts to implement a systems response to sex and labor trafficking as the first State Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator from 2013-2017.

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Dorothy Douglas Taft

Executive Director of The Market Project, Dorothy Douglas Taft brings 30+ years’ experience in U.S. and international policy to advance human rights and tackle human trafficking, torture, and IPV. She served as USAID’s Director for the Office of Democracy and Governance, Chief of Staff for the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, and a Staff member for the HFAC Subcommittee.

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Renee Kae Adams

Renee Kae Adams tells her story as a victim of child trafficking. She explains how she overcame feeling unworthy and not belonging as she was exiled and abandoned. And in order to begin the process of healing, Renee explains it starts with forgiveness within.

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Tariq Samad, PhD

Tariq Samad holds the W.R. Sweatt Chair at the Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota, where he leads the Management of Technology program. His background is in control systems, and his recent work concerns the application of concepts from dynamical systems and control theory to social and societal challenges.

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2021Anna SchrammTariq Samad
Kelle Barrick, PhD

Kelle Barrick is a Senior Research Criminologist at RTI International. Her current work includes estimating the prevalence of sex and labor trafficking; identifying successful strategies for the identification, investigation, and prosecution of labor trafficking cases; and increasing our understanding of opportunities to disrupt sex trafficking recruitment and network operations.

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Thomas Sharkey, PhD

Thomas Sharkey is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at Clemson University. Prior to joining Clemson in August 2020, he was a faculty member at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for twelve years. His research interests include network optimization for societal applications including disrupting human trafficking networks and improving supply chain resilience.

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