Reframing Human Trafficking Prevention: A Public Health, Social-Ecological, Social Justice Approach

Chris Croft, MA | September 22 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Healthcare, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The CDC offers specific guidance for a public health approach to violence prevention across multiple forms of violence. Still, many human trafficking advocates are often unsure what works as a “best practice” in trafficking prevention, say there are no “best practices,” or struggle to apply the public health approach to violence prevention in meaningful ways. In 2020, the NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault began developing additional resources to support human trafficking prevention work specific to sexual violence that occurs in the context of trafficking within commercial sex or other labor settings, including a Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit and the Reframing Human Trafficking Prevention intensive training. In this presentation, attendees will receive an overview of the Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit, learn strategies for incorporating elements of the toolkit into effective prevention strategies, and will learn more about the Reframing Human Trafficking Prevention training model.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Introduce the public health model of violence prevention

·  Discuss how effective prevention with an anti-oppression lens requires shifts in framework and worldview in addition to skills and awareness

·  Review an effective model for training prevention educators

About the Presenter