Journey of Grace Retreats: How to Help Survivors Heal the Wounds of Trafficking while Living in this World

Theresa Flores, MA, LSW | September 22 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

The Journey of Grace retreats are specifically designed for trafficked survivors. It is the only weekend, therapeutic program offered completely free of charge to women who have endured domestic sex trafficking. The presentation will address best practices in working with the deep seeded issues of trauma associated with trafficking through mind, body, and soul activities. The presentation will discuss evidence based therapeutic needs of survivor’s mental health and recommendations on helping survivors heal. The presenter will explain how to utilize survivor leaders in helping survivors move past their life-long hurts while living in this world. This presentation will provide the learner with data on the complexities of trauma to better understand the mental health needs of survivors. It will also provide examples of sessions and the reasoning behind each class offered. Finally, the presenter will discuss the importance of “play”, choices, accessing the “inner child”, trust exercises, and how to have healthy relationships.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the complexities of trauma and how it manifests itself

·  Offer recommendations on how to help survivors of human trafficking heal and move past their trauma

·  Explain how the retreats address the deep seeded issues of childhood trauma

About the Presenter