Traumigration Informed Screening: How Trauma and Immigration Informed Anti-Human Trafficking Screening Improves Outcomes

Lindsey R. Mossor, Esq | September 22 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Legal, Law Enforcement | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Screening victims of human trafficking presents challenges for both law enforcement and social service providers, especially when immigration status is involved. Nevertheless, immigration questions should not be avoided, and instead leaned into, as a way to increase positive outcomes for both law enforcement and survivors. As such, the presenter believes anti-human trafficking screeners should be aware of immigration issues, but the inquiries must be presented in a trauma and immigration informed way. The T Visa provides immigration relief for human trafficking victims. If granted a T Visa, the foreign national obtains legal status for four years, a work permit, and the opportunity to apply for a green card. In order to receive a T Visa, an applicant is usually required to reach out to law enforcement and comply with their investigation. This benefits both human trafficking survivors by finding immigration relief and assists law enforcement with trafficking investigations and prosecutions. The government allotted 5,000 T Visas for 2020. Unfortunately, the T Visa is underutilized, with just 500 granted in 2019 (2020 Trafficking in Persons Report). The reasons surrounding this dismal grant ratio are many; however, if screeners are asking trauma and immigration informed questions, and making appropriate referrals, the approval rate for the T Visa, and the prosecution rate for traffickers, will rise. This presentation will educate screeners on how to screen human trafficking victims in a trauma and immigration informed way, to improve outcomes for both survivors and law enforcement.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss risk factors and available relief for immigrant trafficking victims

·  Describe trauma and immigrant informed screening for trafficking victims

·  Provide recommendations on referrals and services for positive screens

About the Presenter