Finding How to Fit: Positive Impacts of Fitness and Wellness Programming for Survivors of Human Trafficking

Jenny Footle | September 22 | 1:45-2:45 PM

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Beginner

For survivors working to regain a life post trafficking and learn ways to help their mind heal from trauma, bodily healing is just as important. It's not only good mental health practices, but also physically restorative practices that will bring survivors from surviving to thriving. This session will teach participants the positive impacts of fitness and wellness programming for survivors of trafficking. They will learn about approachable activities well suited for survivors to take part in, ways to encourage others to pursue activity to bolster their healing journey, about trauma informed fitness instruction, and helping survivors find their “fit.”

Presentation Objectives:

·  Offer compelling and meaningful messaging to survivors and service providers, encouraging them to pursue health and wellness activities

·  Discuss wellness activities that are appropriate, effective, and sustainable for survivors

·  Identify qualities of an affective instructor and ways to help the instructor be trauma informed in their role

·  Address vicarious trauma/self-care for providers

About the Presenter