How to Create a Labor Trafficking Protocol for Law Enforcement: A Work in Progress

Madeline Lohman, MALD & SA Bobbi Jo Pazdernik | September 23 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Law Enforcement, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Advanced

A persistent challenge in addressing labor trafficking is the lack of training and awareness among law enforcement of how to identify and effectively respond to potential labor trafficking cases. Minnesota is building on its strong track record in addressing sex trafficking by improving its response to labor trafficking and working with law enforcement as a key component of that response. The Minnesota Human Trafficking Investigators Taskforce (MNHITF) is in the middle of a multi-year project to develop a protocol for state and local law enforcement on responding to and investigating labor trafficking. In collaboration with a working group of law enforcement, prosecutors, civil enforcement agencies, victim advocates, survivor leaders, service providers, and researchers, the MNHITF is drafting a protocol including materials for patrol officers, investigators, and administration. The presentation will explore the process of developing the protocol and the content of the protocol itself. Presenters will share the challenges and successes of the working group and how they were addressed. The presentation will also provide a look forward at the implementation stage where the working group will analyze how the protocol was used in a pilot case. Participants will use the framework of the Minnesota process to evaluate how they could conduct a similar process in their own community.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss how Minnesota is working to develop a labor trafficking protocol for law enforcement

·  Identify the key stakeholders, issues, and lessons learned during the process

·  Provide space for attendees to evaluate how a similar process could work in their own communities

About the Presenters