Increasing Human Trafficking Awareness Through a General Education Course: Collaborating with Community Partners

Jolanda Sallmann, PhD, MSW; Brittany Maas, MSW; Shelby Mitchell & Tamara Remington | September 23 | 11:45 AM-12:45 PM

Topic: Programming, Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Beginner

While raising awareness is an important step to ending human trafficking, little is known about the extent of public awareness of the phenomenon. A Google search reveals no data, only the push of anti-trafficking campaigns to increase awareness. General education courses, a degree requirement for most colleges and universities, offer a unique opportunity to raise awareness about human trafficking among undergraduate students. Additionally, anecdotally, undergraduate student interest in the topic has greatly increased in the past two decades, creating a perfect condition for offering such courses on college and university campuses. A global studies, general education course on human trafficking was developed to meet these needs. While meeting the university’s requisite student learning outcomes for such courses, it additionally promotes student understanding the type and scope of human trafficking globally, the biopsychosocial impacts on persons who have been trafficked, and ways students can address this complex human rights and social (in)justice issue. An unintended consequence is increased student interest in working in the anti-trafficking field. This presentation will describe the process of developing the course (e.g., research, informational interviews with service providers and students), review the course format and content, explore opportunities for educators and community providers to collaborate on public awareness efforts, and share students’ reactions to the course and materials. Presenters include the instructor, a Graduate Teaching Assistant from the class, and two community provider guest speakers. Each will provide her perspective of the collaborative experience of co-creating these awareness opportunities and the value of such content.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide an overview of course development

·  Describe course content and learning modules

·  Discuss collaborations with community partners

·  Share student reactions to the course and content

About the Presenters