Part 1- Child Welfare Policy and Practice: Discussing Their Important Role in Addressing Sex Trafficking

Bethany Gilot, MS & Sarah Ladd, JD | September 23 | 1:45-2:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service, Legal | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Child welfare is a key part of a comprehensive systems-level response to human trafficking. In recent years, child welfare agencies across the U.S. have initiated or strengthened strategies to address sex trafficking of children and youth in their states. Much of this work has been in response to requirements within federal legislation, such as Family First Prevention Services Act, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, Preventing Sex Trafficking and Trafficking Victims Protection Act. While federal mandates create commonalities in required actions across states, child welfare response models for addressing sex trafficking of children and youth vary greatly. State-level responses have included policy and practices related to training, screening, child protective investigations, case management, multidisciplinary approaches, specialized services, and more. Having worked on developing responses within their respective states, the presenters have seen the importance of ensuring child welfare professionals, service providers, and other stakeholders understand child welfare’s role in serving youth who have experienced trafficking and responses that have been developed for identifying and serving these youth. This understanding can enrich collaborative responses at both the state, community, and case levels. This presentation will address child welfare’s role in responding to CSEC through the lens of federal requirements and the broader lens of safe harbor principles. Presenters will discuss common questions about child welfare’s response, including information on child welfare’s roles, responsibilities, and jurisdiction. To highlight variance in child welfare responses at the state level, presenters will also provide a comparative analysis of two differing response models in Florida and Minnesota.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Provide a better understanding of the relevant intersecting federal laws directing child welfare’s role in serving CSE children and how these federal requirements are being implemented at the state and local level

·  Discuss common questions about the role of child welfare in responding to CSEC

·  Highlight/compare the distinct response models for CSEC, including policy and practice in Florida and Minnesota

About the Presenters