Convenience Stores Against Trafficking in the Community

Cheryl Csiky | September 23 | 3:15-4:15 PM

Topic: Programming | Knowledge Level: Beginner

IN OUR BACKYARD (IOB), a national anti-trafficking nonprofit that links arms across America in the fight against human trafficking, was established in 2009. IOB operates seven programs focused on education, mobilization, and partnership. Bringing awareness to four million people daily was accomplished through one of IOB’s seven programs, Convenience Stores Against Trafficking, which equips communities to respond to and prevent human trafficking in 49 states. IOB developed the Convenience Stores Against Trafficking program in 2015 to drive over 500,000 IOB Freedom Stickers now placed across all 50 states. Freedom Stickers contain the National Human Trafficking Resource hotline to reach survivors safely inside a public restroom. Together, IOB links arms with convenience stores, government agencies, law enforcement, partner nonprofits, and the local community to stop this atrocity through its cost-free programs. Communities across America are invited to link arms with IOB to prevent and respond to human trafficking through industry-specific strategies such as Convenience Stores Against Trafficking to reach over half the U.S. population daily.

Presentation Objectives:

·       Discuss why convenience stores care

·       Provide documented recoveries through convenience stores

·       Explain how to implement a community outreach through Freedom Stickers

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