Online Solicitation of Youth and When it Becomes Commercial Exploitation

Kate LePage, MA & SA Nicholas Riba | September 24 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Legal, Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Special Agent Nicholas Riba and Regional Navigator Kate LePage will discuss online solicitation of youth and when it becomes a criminal case. The presenters will showcase aspects in online cases of exploitation and how they differ from in-person sex trafficking and exploitation transactions. The presenters will use case scenarios, federal and Minnesota statutes, as well first-hand experience facilitating chat stings and seeing cases through to prosecution in order to equip attendees with knowledge as it relates to the criminal components needed in online solicitation to move forward in the court system. The presentation will also provide attendees with avenues for the monitoring of online activity, a minor’s rights to privacy, criminal aspects of the issue, and how to collaborate effectively with community and system-based partners. Lastly, the presenters will discuss consistent social media platforms and various up-and-coming platforms that have gained traction in Minnesota since FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) was passed in 2018. Participants will leave with a general understanding of what makes a case of online solicitation criminal, and the following steps that can be taken by law enforcement, social services, advocacy, and parents or caregivers. This session will accomplish these objectives through lecture, sharing personal experiences, and case scenarios.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the criminal aspects of “sexting” and when a criminal case is possible

·  Explain how to screen and follow up with cases involving online transactions for photos or videos

·  Provide resources to support social workers, foster families, and guardians in the monitoring of online safety for youth

About the Presenters