The Pimp and His Game

Masayo Halpin, JD | September 24 | 10:15-11:15 AM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Beginner

Domestic Sex Trafficking (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) has been and continues to be a huge problem for our youth. When the general public hears “sex trafficking”, they think about the adult woman brought over from another country forced into prostitution (Bales & Soodalter, 2009). The average person does not know that our children here in the United States are being forced into prostitution every day. This presentation will introduce the audience to the culture of domestic sex trafficking, also known as “The Game.” Those involved in this subculture have rules to live by; rules that must be followed to avoid severe consequences. They use their own unique language and live by a certain code. Any trafficker can manipulate a minor into this seedy world of trafficking. However, one youth may be more susceptible than another. Victimology will explain to the audience how, through no fault of her own, a youth gets manipulated into “The Life.” It will also discuss how a trafficker manipulates a youth into entering the world of trafficking. A little girl does not often think of becoming a prostitute, but after being manipulated, it is all they believe they were meant to be. This discussion is based on the speaker’s knowledge and experience working with youth. In working with a youth to get her out of “The Life,” the best path is the multi-disciplinary approach. A wraparound team to include social services, mental health, advocates, and law enforcement must work together with the youth to be successful.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss the culture of “The Game”

·  Describe how a trafficker manipulates a youth into sex trafficking

·  Describe how a youth gets manipulated into trafficking

·  Discuss the realities for a youth in “The Game”

About the Presenter