Human Trafficking and People with Disabilities: A Deeper Look at Best Practices

Katherine Yoder, MS, CFI & Adonna Wilson-Baney, MPA, CFI | September 24 | 1:45-2:45 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Presenters will pull back the curtain on the intersectionality between human trafficking and people with disabilities. This is a unique perspective that is rarely trained on. It is crucial for service providers, educators, medical and mental health professionals, and others to understand the gaps in service for this population and how it impacts the disability community. This presentation will showcase a more in-depth look into best practices when providing services to adult crime victims of human trafficking with disabilities and provide the audience with resources that victims/survivors with disabilities have available. Participants will receive the information in a myriad of forms, including lectures, facilitated group discussion, videos, and other activities as appropriate.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe the intersectionality between human trafficking and people with disabilities

·  Discuss the current gaps in service for crime victims of human trafficking with disabilities

·  Describe resources that victims/survivors of human trafficking with disabilities have available to them

·  Offer best practices when providing services to adult crime victims of human trafficking with disabilities

About the Presenters