Understanding Implicit and Explicit Racial Bias: Finding Applicable Solutions that Promote Change

Tekoa Pouerie, BA | September 24 | 1:45-2:45 PM

Topic: Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Racial bias, both implicit and explicit, affects us all. Our decisions and choices to give someone a second chance, help someone in need, or promote or hire a new employee are impacted by bias that has been both taught and conditioned over the years. To break down these walls and reduce bias in the workplace (and life), we must first understand how we got here. We must educate ourselves on how we become reliant on generalizations and stereotypes. Only then can real change happen. This training will not only educate you on bias but open the communication for how to change our reactions for the better. It will build awareness and understanding of conscious and unconscious biases, the differences between the two, and why it matters in fair and impartial justice, while gaining strategies and tools in developing a community caretaker approach for improved interactions.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Build awareness and understanding of implicit and explicit biases, the differences between the two, and why it matters in fair and impartial justice

·  Discuss the current climate and challenges that exist with communities of color and law enforcement to gain understanding about why a climate of distrust exists and what can be done about it

·  Leverage a broad spectrum of best practices and successful strategies and techniques to reduce disparities

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