Embrace Your Beautiful Self

Renee Kae Adams | September 24 | 3:15-4:15 PM

Topic: Experience | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Renee has struggled over 40 years to find peace within herself as she has endured a very complex childhood of abuse and child trafficking. Now, Renee is ready in her journey to share her story and to help others by enlightening others on ways to start living the life they so well deserve and quit holding back from the feelings of not feeling good enough and not feeling worthy. During this presentation, Renee will also talk about how this starts with forgiveness – forgiveness of ourselves, of our predators, of our families, and of the ones that made a huge impact on why we have carried the “bricks of burden” for so many years. Renee will demonstrate how this can be done by utilizing various exercises that not only clears our subconscious minds, but also our hearts, by knowing that we do matter, and that we have a life of abundance to live, no matter what we have endured.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Share the presenter’s struggles of worthiness and belonging as a survivor of human trafficking

·  Share ways to become vulnerable within ourselves

·  Discuss various exercises and how to implement them, to be free from a life of not feeling worthy or belonging

·  Describe how the presenter’s life has changed by moving forward in the present and not by living in the past

About the Presenter