Raised in Pimp City

Armand King | September 23 | 3:15-4:15 PM

Topic: Experience, Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Learn from the only former Pimp willing to speak out, has transformed his life, and is now dedicated to helping sex trafficking survivor advocates and others from going down his same path. Across the United States, awareness for sex trafficking is spreading like wildfire. With this new awareness, a new criminal element has been identified and laws are becoming stricter on the “Trafficker”. With this new awareness comes many questions that have remained unanswered. With unanswered questions, many experts have come up with their own answers and hypotheses to fill the void. The problem with this is the answers and conclusions that these “experts” have come to are incomplete and oftentimes misleading and/or over-sensationalized. This presentation brings a voice to the table that has gone unheard during this time of awareness. A voice that needs to be at the table if we, as a whole, are going to fully combat domestic sex trafficking. This presentation on domestic sex trafficking will finally enable the listeners to dispel the myths on this issue that have been put out and have gone undisputed. Listeners will be able to go into the mind of a trafficker, gain knowledge to better combat the issue, and be able to move from awareness to action.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Describe how the “Trafficker/ Pimp” enters the life of being a trafficker and why they do what they do

·  Discuss the start of the epidemic and the true current state of domestic sex trafficking

·  Help attendees identify the myths and their own subconscious bias when it comes to domestic sex trafficking, survivor advocacy, and the trafficker

About the Presenter