After the Rescue: Addressing Substance Use and Mental Health for Those Who have Experienced Trauma

Navdeep Kang, PsyD, HSP | September 23 | 3:15-4:15 PM

Topic: Direct Service | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Dr. Navdeep Kang is a psychologist and thought leader for clinical best practices in mental health and addiction medicine. His experience leading teams within hospital systems and in specialty healthcare provide a well-rounded perspective on assessing acuity, managing care transitions, and ensuring long-term success for patients. Mental health and addiction are intricately interwoven with experiences of human trafficking, with substance use or mental illness frequently presenting as symptoms of trauma. People with past trauma, especially survivors of human trafficking, often face a multitude of psychological, social, and biological issues. Treatment modalities for survivors of human trafficking should include, at the very least, a full assessment of mental health and substance use treatment needs. It is also important to understand that psychological, relational, and social wounds are often chronic and rarely solved with a short-term program alone. Ongoing support and treatment are frequently the best way to ensure long-term success for patients after trauma. The objectives of this presentation are to: 1) empower audience members to identify symptoms such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic disorder, and substance use disorder that are common diagnoses of trauma survivors, 2) assist the audience in managing the care transition to evidence-based providers with long-term plans for patients, 3) highlight appropriate language when working with this population to reduce stigma, and 4) introduce some concepts from addiction medicine to help survivors understand their legal rights, create support systems, connect with local resources, and rebuild relationships post trauma.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Discuss trauma and mental health issues as they relate to human trafficking and post rescue

·  Describe Substance Use Disorders and why they are so connected

·  Explain trauma signs and best practice treatments for MH and SUD issues

About the Presenter