New Approaches to Stopping Demand

Jenny Almquist & John Pulley | September 24 | 1:30-2:30 PM

Topic: Programming, Conceptual | Knowledge Level: Intermediate

Human trafficking will never be overcome without first dealing with the demand side of the equation, where statistics show that buyers are predominantly men. After spending 10 years fighting trafficking with Fierce Freedom, Jenny Almquist made a radical choice to do something different in the struggling fight against demand. This session will discuss her decision to hire John Pulley, a former buyer, to find new ways to fight demand as well as the surprisingly effective impact that has had in reaching men and getting them involved in the fight. Attendees will discover the benefits gained from getting inside the mind of a reformed buyer and how this can assist you in our mission to eradicate human trafficking. After this session, attendees will leave with new strategies to communicate effectively with men and get them actively involved in the fight, will understand the impact a reformed buyer has had on legislators and law enforcement officials, and will know the right questions to ask of yourself and your organization before engaging with a former buyer.

Presentation Objectives:

·  Challenge agency leaders to resource former buyers to fight demand

·  Offer a space where practical questions can be discussed regarding organizational programming with a former buyer

·  Give real life examples of challenges and successes

About the Presenters